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Any Muse fans in the room?

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    I used to quite enjoy Muse but the last album I listened to was Origin of Symmetry. Heard a few singles since which seemed ok, but then had a brief play of the new'un in the car and I can't help but feel they have gone a bit off the deep end. Still, am looking forwards to seeing them live at Glasto this year - last time I saw them was Reading 2002 and they were ace then, and whilst I don't think it'll be the same I would imagine they'll still put on a good show.

    Noobish, I had pretty much the same reaction but about ten times worse when I found out there was a Thom Yorke song on the OST too


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      Is anybody still listening to The Resistance?

      Previous Muse albums were glued to my stereo, but I just can't get into this.
      No, and my best mate and I both agreed that whilst we listened to it for a few weeks after release, it's by far the weakest album they've made and too "electronic" for our tastes.

      Sound good songs on there but to be honest, both my wife, my best mate and I haven't listened to it in months.

      Origin of Symmetry is a masterpiece, Absolution and Showbiz are great too, but after those three I can't help but feel they slowly believed their own hype and are slowly doing what Radiohead did.


        Originally posted by fuse View Post
        I used to quite enjoy Muse but the last album I listened to was Origin of Symmetry. Heard a few singles since which seemed ok, but then had a brief play of the new'un in the car and I can't help but feel they have gone a bit off the deep end. Still, am looking forwards to seeing them live at Glasto this year - last time I saw them was Reading 2002 and they were ace then, and whilst I don't think it'll be the same I would imagine they'll still put on a good show.

        Noobish, I had pretty much the same reaction but about ten times worse when I found out there was a Thom Yorke song on the OST too
        Aww what!? I'm a massive Radiohead fan too. I made my friend turn the film off though after I realised it had been on for about sixteen hours and there was still 30 minutes left (even though we were actually just playing MW2 and not paying attention), so I may have missed Thom's fifteen minutes of shame.


          Love Muse since the first album. Plus have bought every album but shame on me though, never seen them live. Not bought Resistance although I did like the single a lot the album does not seem as accessible or maybe it`s just me as the others previous. Would so love to see them live at some point.


            Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
            used to be a BIG Muse fan, but the other day me and my friend were watching Twilight (for a laugh) and they used Supermassive Black Hole on the soundtrack. The fact that Muse must have okayed this has taken away all enthusiasm I once had for them.
            Not really Muses fault for that, ahem.

            Acknowledgments of the novel New Moon: "-- And, finally, thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me, particularly the band Muse - there are emotions, scenes, and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist without their genius. --"

            Acknowledgments of Meyer's third novel Eclipse: "-- I am in your debt, rock gods of Muse, for yet another inspiring album. Thank you for continuing to create my favorite writing music. --"

            In her final book Breaking Dawn, Meyer also dedicated it to Muse. "And thanks also to my favourite band, the very aptly named Muse, for providing a saga's worth of inspiration. --"


              Muse are dead. It was a fun ten years, but I'm afraid now it is time to mourn their passing. It has come at a heavy price, but perhaps now we will learn to guard more jealously our beloved rock gods from the slimy American hands of hack writers and talentless no marks.


                Muse are dead lol. They're still better than just about every other band on the planet


                  From when I started going to see them *cough* years ago *cough* they`ve certainly morphed into a completely different beast. I feel that recently they`ve become far too predictable in their set lists and The Resistance isn`t fit to lick the boots of OoS or Absolution (although saying that, Undisclosed Desires is one of the finest things they`ve done).

                  The best way to describe it is them becoming more "professional". Personally, I much prefer the less polished, going for it big time Muse of a few years ago, the one that would leave you with a ringing head and a stupid grin on your face. The last time they really did that was at Meadowbank a few years ago, that was a very special night

                  I`ll never begrudge them their success as they`ve worked their bollocks off to get where they are and I`ve seem them at both ends of the spectrum, but I`d like them to mix it up a bit more (was amazing to hear Cave at Teignmouth again, they don`t play nearly enough old stuff nowadays).

                  Regardless I`ll be at Wembley in September for both nights.


                    Used to be my favourate band by far. They're not even in my likes now... (in terms of their current stuff) It's just dull and boring to me, doesn't even have a trace of heavy rock in it :/ Although I do like Uprising.


                      They've definitely experimented more and I can see how that would put off many fans. Personally I have a varied varied music taste and think that I belong to You is fantastic despite being the least muse like song they've done probably.

