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Joss Whedon's New Show: Dollhouse

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    Only just realised this is being shown on ITV4 and I've missed the first 2 episodes If any kind soul could hook me up with episodes 1 & 2 I'd be VERY grateful.


      This is now cancelled. 13 eps this season, then that's it.

      Not too surprising given that, well, it's not really that good. My least favourite of Whedon's work by quite a large margin. I kept watching it in case it picked up.

      And surely not helped by the awful US scheduling mess - 4 episodes, then a 6 week hiatus before episode 5. How can a show get build any audience like that? I do not get the way they do that in the US.


        I watched the first series but didn't know about the 13th episode, which I recently discovered and watched.

        That 13th ep just blew my mind with how it turned the show on it's head - it actually felt like they had left it with nowhere to go, so I wondered if they made it because they thought there would never be a second series.

        Seems like a fitting place to stop then, if the second series is the end then why invest any more of my attention into it.. or would I be missing something special? (from what Chain said, I guess not)


          Yep, the 13th ep was the best by a long, long way. Should have ran with that idea, far more interesting than what we've got.


            It's back after a break with double episodes now.

            I normally drift off and browse the web during Dollhouse episodes but the last two (five and six) really kept my attention. The best yet.


              It has been canned though after this season, so I've decided to give it a miss.


                Despite my reservations about getting into an already doomed show, I started watching series 2.

                I can already say it's been worth it for that episode with Topher talking to a doll version of himself. The guy playing Victor put in a masterful performance! Hilarious stuff.


                  Anyone still watching this?

                  Episode 11 was awesome

                  poor Topher! I totally did'nt see that coming!

                  and there's only 2 left now (one more regular ep, than another post-apocalypse) and I can't wait to see how they wrap this all up!

                  You just know that in a few years people are going to look back at this as a modern sci-fi classic. It's had it's bumpy patches, but the quality of the writing and character development, and the places they go with a premise that seemed fairly limited in scope, is something you just don't see much on TV or in the movies.

                  I already can't wait for the blu-rays to come out so I can re-watch season 2 again and again.

                  Does anyone else think that

                  the other guy with Boyd at the end spoke and acted an awefull lot like Topher...



                    Originally posted by SkilloChris
                    You just know that in a few years people are going to look back at this as a modern sci-fi classic
                    I seriously doubt that. I watched the first four or five episodes and not only was the writing atrocious, the acting was cheesy and the premise ludicrous. Maybe it picks up but man...


                      It really does. Wheadon calls the fifth episode the real Pilot, that's how much things change once the suits stopped meddling. I actually gave up three episodes in, and only caught up when the dvd came out when I heard good things about the second half of season 1. I'm probably over hyping it a bit, but you really should give it another go. And yeah the premise is a bit daft, but that's where the fi bit of sci-fi comes in...


                        I've been watching it ITV4 simply because at that time there's nothing else worth looking at. I was interested by the fact that it had Eliza Dushku who I had liked in the first season of Tru Calling. Dollhouse has a similar feel - a good, reasonably original idea with decent performances but for some reason doesn't entirely engage me. Watchable but like another here I usually browse the web whilst it's on.


                          Up to episode 8 of Season 2 now. You can certainly tell that the end is near and, personally, it's been a little hard to follow in places. A shame as I don't think it's had the best chance.

                          Great to see

                          Summer Glau. Even if she is just playing a slightly less crazy version of River Tam. Those glasses =

                          Also, Alan Tudyk. That man is an exceptionally talented actor!

                          I still don't think Tahmoh Penikett can act his way out of a (very soggy) paper bag though.

                          Loving De Witt. That's one damn fine woman - who I wouldn't mess with. Funny, I saw her in an episode of Friends where they "come over here" and she was in that but didn't look anywhere near as good.



                            OH. MY. GOD

                            Just watched 4 in a row ending with 10 (or maybe 11) when you find out who the second head of Rossum is. Major twistage. Was actually shouting at the TV.

                            The final (pre-Epitath) aired Friday and I have to wait until Wednesday to watch due to work.

                            Last edited by teddymeow; 17-01-2010, 22:14. Reason: Vb code phail.


                              Just watched Epitath 2 and I can honestly say

                              I wish I hadn't. It felt a bit forced and totally "WTF" when certain things happened / revelations revealed. Especially right at the end.

                              I'm a bit disappointed that it's over but I don't honestly know how much longer it could have been milked even if the ratings were exceptional.

                              I'm starting my petition to get Whedon back on Firefly duty.

                              Who's with me?!


                                Milked is the last word I'd use for Dollhouse, especially when 24 and the Simpsons is still on the air. For me the biggest problem with Season 2 of Dollhouse was that it was rushed to get to the end the story. I heard the story arc had a five year plan, four of those were squeezed into the latter half of season 2 and it shows. On the one hand it's good that the series was able to have a proper ending but it is a shame that it couldn't do so at a better pace where some of the ideas could have been explored a bit more.

                                Overall I'm happy with Dollhouse and would have preferred loosing almost any other show I'm currently watching (and I watch a lot) than this.

