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Mad Men

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    A great start. Don's on top form.


      think the 4th season of this is the finest yet, the way they are handling the almost glacial crawl into a new era and showing how its impacting on the 'old guard' is simply brilliant, best thing on tv by a mile


        The show is really on top form right now. Tonight's BBC4 episode was one of the most entertaining pieces of television I have seen in some time. So funny in places and yet also touches of darkness as Don seems to be unravelling. Really great stuff.

        Poor old Duck gets a rough break though.


          I caught the end of the BBC one, loved the flashbacks showing how Don got his big break.

          Only 1 ep to go at US pace and its been a fantastic series, elevating the show for me into the highest bracket with the other greats like the Wire/Sopranos/Deadwood


            Couldn't agree more with the posts above. This week's episode was the show at its very best.


              I just watched the latest episode (shown on BBC on Wednesday) and thought it was even better than last weeks (which was in itself superb). The acting was incredible. I thought parts of it were heart wrenchingly powerful.


                Twosies are always heart wrenchingly powerful. And funny.

                Yep, it was yet another fantastic episode. And beautifully subtle in places. They've really mastered the art of not writing things you know the characters are thinking. It's not even subtext, as that usually requires text to be sub to, if you know what I mean. It's just there.


                  the series has ended now in the US and I enjoyed the 4th more than the previous 3, not to say they were in any way sub par but it just seemed to really hit its stride and felt more focussed.

                  personally I think having less of the Betty/Don saga really helped.

                  also highlighted the importance of quality writing and a vision, other progs can try to do this sort of thing but often fall short, Boardwalk Empire being a recent good example for me.
                  Last edited by merf; 25-10-2010, 12:36.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                    Yep, it was yet another fantastic episode. And beautifully subtle in places. They've really mastered the art of not writing things you know the characters are thinking. It's not even subtext, as that usually requires text to be sub to, if you know what I mean. It's just there.
                    I know exactly what you mean. There's a part in the last episode where Peggy is looking in the mirror crying, and most other series would have had her talk to herself or write something in the mirror with her finger, but here there is no need because you know what's going through her mind and so the camera just focuses on her face and her emotion.


                      Yeah it really is down to whats not actualy in the writing, its a strange thing to say but there it is. Its really all down to the fact that unlike alot of tv shows Mad Men dosent treat you like an idiot and expects you to know the characters and what they are going through by now.

                      Its a common trait of all AMC shows it seems like, they all have a simular feel to them and are all the better for it. I'm just glad that the Walking Dead starts soon (and the first episode was as amazing as the average episode of Mad men is BTW). As with this and Rubicon finished for the season there is less quality tv on air.
                      Last edited by rmoxon; 25-10-2010, 15:40.


                        David Simon always describes it as getting the viewer to lean into the screen, leave some gaps and get them thinking, you'll lose a lot of viewers who are used to being spoon fed but those who get it love it all the more as they've actually had to work a little and join it all up.

                        I love how the scenes between Pete & Peggy played out in season 4 and quietly referenced the histories going back at least a couple of seasons.


                          Series 4 had just taken the show to an even higher level. To be allowed to enjoy a thinking man's show is so liberating! MadMen 4 reminds me that great TV is just as interactive as the best video game.

                          Wonderful wonderful stuff. I'm having a bit of a break from gaming, lost my mojo a bit, and this is just the perfect show for me at the moment.


                            I'm running behind on the current season of Mad Men as we're juggling a fair few shows at present ... but last night we got round to watching not the last episode but the one before; The Suitcase. Wow. Quite simply one of the best things I've seen in ages.


                              Awise from the gwave......

                              Mad Men virgin, just started watching the box sets on Sky. 3 episodes into season 1, loving it thus far. Good to see some love for the 'old fashioned', best cocktail EVA!


                                Well. A fitting end to the series? Happy, disappointed, indifferent?

                                I'm in two minds, it didn't play out as I thought it would, that's for sure. But overall what a great show.

                                Was there any hidden meaning in the
                                in the end?

