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What films have you watched this week?

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    Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
    Just watched Batman Begins. Not seen it in ages. Brilliant film.
    Yeah, still brilliant

    and better than The Dark Knight.

    It was absolutely sodomised by ITV, though. The fight scenes had really been cut down, for one thing, and I had to laugh towards the end when Batman goes "I can't beat two of your pawns?" and there was only one there because of the way it was cropped for TV. Channel 4 or bust for films on commercial TV.


      Just watched Midnight Run on Sky HD - never realised that for years the BBFC trimmed Bobby De Niro breaking into the Duke's house, in case you learned how to pick locks, kiddies! Or that a few cuss words amounted to an 18 rating!

      I love that film. I can watch it endlessly.


        Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
        I've got this and thought it looked right up my alley. Surely its not that bad
        It's not. If you liked Event Horizon and its ilk, you'll like this. It's even produced by Paul Anderson. It's derivative as hell, but quite stylish and fairly gory. I've seen a lot worse.


          Originally posted by anephric View Post
          It's not. If you liked Event Horizon and its ilk, you'll like this. It's even produced by Paul Anderson. It's derivative as hell, but quite stylish and fairly gory. I've seen a lot worse.
          I thought Event Horizon was brilliant horror sci-fi, so will gice Pandorum a whirl this week or weekend.

          Also like Midnight Run. Charles Grodin is pure comedy in it


            I watched two Michael Mann films:

            Public Enemies. Underwhelmed by this one... not sure what it was aiming for. I thought it was going to be like Heat in the 30s, but unlike Heat neither of the two adversaries got much character development. Johnny Depp was nowhere near as likable as DeNiro. A bit more like Ness vs Capone in the Untouchables, but still lacking something. From the way it concluded I think we were supposed to have had some attachment to the character of Dillinger, but I didn't. It was just a period action movie.

            The Insider. Woah, how did I miss this before. 10 out of 10. Surprisingly no real action, but incredible tension.


              Public Enemies was a load of rubbish. If only Mann had the balls to make the girl the focus it could of been half decent...


                Where the Wild Things Are on Friday.

                Just have to decide if I'm going to watch it early in an empty theatre or go later and watch it with a bunch of kids in the room.


                  I watched Commando and RocknRolla.

                  Problem is that my Sky+ seemed to have lost the signal about 4 times in RocknRolla so I was struggling with the plot and then it jumped about and completely lost me!

                  I think I'll just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia in a Cockney accent.


                    Inglorious Basterds (Blu Ray),
                    the new Tarantino. it's overhyped but entertaining. especially the performance of Christoph Waltz as SS officer is brilliant and outshines even Brat Pitt.

                    Keinohrhasen (Rabbit Without Ears) (DVD)
                    biggest German movie success at the theatres last year. didn't think much of it when it came out but now i was taught otherwise. a very enjoyable, funny little flick and great to watch with your girlfriend.


                      Ip Man - Not bad. Love me some Donnie. Apart from the 10 Jap battle royale i was a bit disappointed with the fight scenes. Similar to Fearless and Fist of Legend but not as good as either.

                      The Ladykillers (Remake) - Crap, from the usually fantastic Coens. Completely laugh free.

                      Moon - Excellent first movie from Duncan Jones. Look forward to seeing what he does next.

                      Lakeview Terrace - Pretty decent thriller featuring a very watchable Samuel L who plays a neighbour from hell who is also a very bitter, racist, heavy handed cop. It's one of those films that made me feel angry and uncomfortable, worth a watch.

                      The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake)- Ball numbingly awful. An alien comes all this way to destroy the human race and then changes his mind.

                      Rogue - Giant Aussie killer croc movie. Nothing special but entertaining enough with some decent effects.

                      Storm Warning - Aussie horror from the creator of the excellent Wolf Creek. Some good gruesome moments but pretty derivative plotwise. Not bad.

                      Creep - Average horror set in the London tube system. Has the bird from the Bourne movies (the girlfriend) battling some sort of reject from the Descent.

                      Trick r Treat - Strange one this. Good in parts but the movie seemed to lack any sort of direction and the tone felt really off. It didn't seem to know whether it was a horror or a comedy and felt to me like some sort of 80's cheesy horror with some Monster Squad thrown in.

                      The International - Decent thriller with Clive Owen. A bit daft in places but worth a watch.

                      The Number 23 - Jim Carrey totally miscast in this mystery thriller. OKish but nothing to write home about.

                      The Cell - J to the L O hello. Visually stunning but pretty vacant and vacuous movie where JLo goes into people minds and help them sort out their demons.

                      The Entity - Haven't seen this for over 20 years. I could remember some parts pretty vividly as there were some mingetastic nude scenes that were stamped rather clearly into my teenage mind. Basic premise is Poltergeist but with a rather horny ghost and no "TV people". It caused quite a stir when it first came out and still holds up quite well.
                      Surprised that this hasn't been remade yet.


                        Just watched Any Which Way You Can with Clint Eastwood on ITV4. F*cking brilliant film. I'd forgotten how funny it was. Pity ITV4 have cut all the swearing.

                        Right turn Clyde Legendary
                        Last edited by NemesiS; 10-12-2009, 20:51.


                          Watched Shaolin Soccer. Haven't watched it in years, its still a great film. Love Stephen Chow!


                            Originally posted by Mad Gear View Post
                            Ip Man - Not bad. Love me some Donnie. Apart from the 10 Jap battle royale i was a bit disappointed with the fight scenes. Similar to Fearless and Fist of Legend but not as good as either.

                            The Ladykillers (Remake) - Crap, from the usually fantastic Coens. Completely laugh free.

                            Moon - Excellent first movie from Duncan Jones. Look forward to seeing what he does next.

                            Lakeview Terrace - Pretty decent thriller featuring a very watchable Samuel L who plays a neighbour from hell who is also a very bitter, racist, heavy handed cop. It's one of those films that made me feel angry and uncomfortable, worth a watch.

                            The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake)- Ball numbingly awful. An alien comes all this way to destroy the human race and then changes his mind.

                            Rogue - Giant Aussie killer croc movie. Nothing special but entertaining enough with some decent effects.

                            Storm Warning - Aussie horror from the creator of the excellent Wolf Creek. Some good gruesome moments but pretty derivative plotwise. Not bad.

                            Creep - Average horror set in the London tube system. Has the bird from the Bourne movies (the girlfriend) battling some sort of reject from the Descent.

                            Trick r Treat - Strange one this. Good in parts but the movie seemed to lack any sort of direction and the tone felt really off. It didn't seem to know whether it was a horror or a comedy and felt to me like some sort of 80's cheesy horror with some Monster Squad thrown in.

                            The International - Decent thriller with Clive Owen. A bit daft in places but worth a watch.

                            The Number 23 - Jim Carrey totally miscast in this mystery thriller. OKish but nothing to write home about.

                            The Cell - J to the L O hello. Visually stunning but pretty vacant and vacuous movie where JLo goes into people minds and help them sort out their demons.

                            The Entity - Haven't seen this for over 20 years. I could remember some parts pretty vividly as there were some mingetastic nude scenes that were stamped rather clearly into my teenage mind. Basic premise is Poltergeist but with a rather horny ghost and no "TV people". It caused quite a stir when it first came out and still holds up quite well.
                            Surprised that this hasn't been remade yet.

                            I've watched 2 films this week and I had to watch them in about 4 chunks each or I'd never have seen them.

                            Can't wait to binge on telly when Christmas comes around.


                              That was just general movies that i've watched recently, not just the past week.


                                Saw The Box on Wednesday night. Just been browisng the Metacritic reviews and I can't believe it scored so low, because I though the film was AWESOME, best film I've seen at the flicks in eons.

                                Without giving away too much of the plot, it's basically about this couple who get given this mysterious box by a strange man with a very burnt face. They get offered $1000000 should they press the button atop the box, though this will cause someone, somewhere to die. Basically, they press it and lots of freaky things start happening.

                                The 70s setting is brilliantly realised, the acting's great (in a Twilight Zone-style way - though this is based on a Twilight Zone plot, anyway) and it's just plain bizarre, incredibly interesting, it's beautifully shot, has fantastically moody music, and is both original and extremely mysterious, very, very atmospheric, and also makes one think a tad (well, maybe just a tad).

                                Plus, the casting bods did a great job at getting loads of freaky-looking people in the film, there's an absolute boatload of peeps with odd and creepy, almost amusing faces here (though I have to say that a lot of the time, most of us in the cinema were laughing during certain sequences when we were probably meant to be disturbed). Everybody in the film has an "interesting face", it's great, and Frank Langella is so right in the role of 'Steward'.

                                It's by the guy who did Donnie Darko, and though I wasn't a fan of that film, I'd highly recommend this, though I can see it being one that many won't rate due to its slowish pacing and total oddness.

                                Like I said, awesomeness incarnate.

