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Daybreakers (The Spierig Brothers, 2009)

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    Daybreakers (The Spierig Brothers, 2009)

    Wow...anticipation level overload.

    In the year 2019, vampires are the dominant species on Earth, but blood supplies are running low, and there's only a rag-tag band of human survivors left, led by Willem Dafoe and armed with crossbows...

    Looks great. I adored Undead and was stunned at what they achieved with their exceptionally limited budget. Really looking forward to seeing what they can do with this.


      Saw this last night and it has a very promising start. They create this new world really well where normal society has continued, but Joe public is now a vampire going about his daily life in a city that has been technologically altered to allow for a vampires obvious shortcomings. Humans are farmed for blood, but the supply is running out and if the members of this new society don't get enough they change into feral monsters. There is a great scene which shows the threat these creatures are to the Vampires and sets up the coming epidemic nicely. Also, you have the hunted humans who are on the run from the Vampire Army trying to find a way to turn the situation back around.

      Then the film completely loses it's way, stumbling around until it's awful conclusion.

      I left hoping that there would be some story behind the making of it, studio executives getting too involved or something, and that a director's cut would be released that does the film justice. I very much doubt it though. Shame.


        Another film I want to see but I'm the only horror fan I know (hate going to the cinema on my own). Still, these kinds of films hit DVD fast.


          From a horror fan point of view it has some nice effects and some good jump moments!


            I enjoyed this much more than Undead, which itself was a technicaly solid film but had horrible annoying actors and was far too daft for its own good and felt like some unfunny parody of zombie movies.

            I didnt think this film lost its way exactly, but after the messured and thoughtful opening it seemed to forget about the plot and focus entierly on the action towards the end.

            Not that that was a bad thing actualy, the action was pretty great, the effects and gore were nice, the

            exploding head scene

            near the start was funny and Willem Dafoe had a great over the top b movie type character, it was a fun time basicaly.

            I'd welcome a sequel, which they could probabaly do easily seeing as storywise this didnt really go very far.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 15-01-2010, 11:56.


              I enjoyed this also, its like the film John Carpenter was trying (and failing) to make with vampires


                Looking forward to this. I'm playing catchup with films right now, only got round to watching Sherlock yesterday; next week I've got to squeeze in this, The Book Of Eli, and a couple of others

                Should say though, I thought Undead was pretty ****. Good production values for "low budget" (I think it was $500k) but the script was awful. Rarely do you encounter a film where you dislike every single character in it.

