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Nightmare on Elm St Remake

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    Nightmare on Elm St Remake

    Jackie Early Haley (watchmen) as Kruger
    Is a great choice and it looks like the tone is spot on

    Looking forward to this, has much more potential than the Hellraiser remake (which will no doubt lose all the sadomasochism subtext and exchange the excellent make up for rubbish CG). Bit of a shame Robert Englund isn't back for it but I can see why they changed him.

    Apparently they've changed his face to he looks like a 'healed' burn victim rather than someone with the raw burns.

    Worth remembering this is the second time the series has been rebooted.


      How on earth can you tell the tone from those two pics? May as well be any of them!


        So unnecessary! The first film is an absolute classic horror and still sh*ts me up to this day when I try to watch it! A couple of the sequels were ok, but most got too jokey and made Freddy into something like a psychopathic gameshow host.

        I did *quite* liked Wes Craven's New Nightmare (?) but c'mon....leave the original alone. A remake is really not required when the first film is so f*cking terrifying!

        Are they going for a completely new story? Is Craven involved at all (Wes, not John )?

        [EDIT] It's a Michael Bay production?!?!?!

        In a June 9, 2009 interview, (Wes) Craven expressed his displeasure in the remaking of his 1984 film, primarily because the filmmakers chose not to have him as a consultant to the film
        That's bang out of order! I so want this to PHaiL
        Last edited by funkydan; 23-07-2009, 08:35.


          The film industry is so lazy nowadays and you can see the games industry doing the same thing with endless 'reboots' (one of my pet hates) and remakes which are just not needed.


            Wes Craven has been a pussy for years anyway. He doesn't like the scares as much any more.

            I watch Nightmare films like I do Saw films. I don't care for the plot at all, just as long as the deaths are original and entertaining. The puppet death from one of the sequels (3?) has to be the best. I have always liked the fact they can do anything they want with the kills as they are all dream based.


              If anyone's seen Watchmen and is still not entirely convinced that Jackie Earle Haley is potentially an inspired piece of casting, check him out in Little Children where he plays a right creepy bastard. In fact, it's only really Haley's involvement that has piqued my interest in this, because, let's not forget, it is after all just another Platinum Dunes reboot, directed by a guy who has only previously made music videos.

              Script preview (Contains mild spoilers) -
              Last edited by PrayforMojo; 23-07-2009, 08:51. Reason: typo


                Surely they should only remake something that was crap to begin with? Remake crap, turn it good, leave stuff that's already good alone.


                  Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                  Surely they should only remake something that was crap to begin with? Remake crap, turn it good, leave stuff that's already good alone.
                  = win


                    But there's already been about 10 million ****ty sequels and one reboot, what harm can another do? If you feel so strongly about it then vote with your wallet, or terrorise Michael Bay in his dreams until he stops financing these things.


                      Originally posted by PrayforMojo View Post
                      But there's already been about 10 million ****ty sequels and one reboot, what harm can another do? If you feel so strongly about it then vote with your wallet, or terrorise Michael Bay in his dreams until he stops financing these things.
                      What harm can another do? Seriously?! I'd say "What is the point of another one?", and the sad, sad reason is $$$. The film industry seems to have completely lost it's way. Films are rarely made these because someone has an original idea for amazing film, they are made with the smallest amount of effort and money, in order to try to rake in the cash, because they are trying to appeal to nostalgia etc.

                      Not all remakes/reboots/re-arse-a-rama's a bad thing, but the majority are, and as a once avid cinema goer, it really pisses me off!


                        Indeed. It's normally the best films get remade when they don't need it. Whereas, the crap films arent remade, as no-one liked it in the first place.


                          Originally posted by funkydan View Post
                          What harm can another do? Seriously?! I'd say "What is the point of another one?", and the sad, sad reason is $$$. The film industry seems to have completely lost it's way. Films are rarely made these because someone has an original idea for amazing film, they are made with the smallest amount of effort and money, in order to try to rake in the cash, because they are trying to appeal to nostalgia etc.

                          Not all remakes/reboots/re-arse-a-rama's a bad thing, but the majority are, and as a once avid cinema goer, it really pisses me off!
                          I know, I know, just find it hard to get wound up by another Freddy film. And it's not just about nostalgia, in fact, I'd say nostalgia has very little to do with it. Remaking old favourites usually only succeeds in pissing off the old fanbase. No, I'd say these remakes aren't directly aimed at the old fans at all, but rather at a younger generation who have probably heard about them from their big brothers, or perhaps even their dads.


                            If the quality of the remake/reimagining/reboot/whatever is great then it doesn't matter whetehr the original was crap or brilliant.

                            Dawn of the Dead (original) - brilliant
                            Dawn of the Dead (remake) - also brilliant

                            Battlestar Galactica (original TV series) - bit meh
                            Battlestar Galactica (new TV series) - brilliant

                            I suppose there are more crap remakes than good ones ... but the good ones can add to something you already love and in some cases better something that was fairly average.


                              Wasn't there a TV series of this back in the 90's? I think i remeber seein' some of them on Sky at the time. Utter crapness i might add.........

                              They hardly remake crap movies as the original never did so good so there is no point in making **** into crap........... But soiling good **** makes a bigger stain..........


