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Rescue Me - fx show about the NYFD

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    Rescue Me - fx show about the NYFD

    How mint is this show, I havent loved anything as much since the days of watching the Shield.

    A good mixture of humour and some serious storylines which are both gripping and at times emotional as you follow the guys from 62nd Watch and see how they cope after 9/11 and laugh at there fails with bedding women and the relationships between them.

    Im about to start on Series3 now, Each seasons 13 episodes long and I think its upto Season5 atm which has about 22 episodes..

    Its deffo worth a watch, cant believe i missed this when it aired in 2004.

    the theme tune Cmon Cmon by the von bondies is the biz too...

    Yes, I love this as well, it used to be on Sky One but they lost the rights to it and the only way to watch it legally now in the UK is to purchase it on iTunes. Poor show.


      I've seen the odd episode here and there, cop drama's and the like aren't really my thing, new American Show Dark Blue is quite good though. And probably worth you pair checking out.

      Originally posted by
      McDermott stars as Carter Shaw, the head of a crack undercover team of police officers who are so covert, many of their own colleagues don't even know they are involved. Shaw is a deeply wounded character, having lost his wife and much of his former life as he struggles to bring down bad guys through complex undercover assignments. His team includes a recently married cop (Hardwick) who struggles with personal relationships he has developed while undercover; a shoot-from-the-hip officer (Marshall-Green) whose activities make fellow team members wonder if he has gone over to the bad side; and a green patrol cop brought in because of her excellent skill in lying and a shady past.


        Dark Blue is ok the film is better
        Last edited by dvdmike; 01-08-2009, 17:21.


          nice one, ill have a look at darkblue over the weekend.

          Just DL seasons 3 and 4 of rescue me as getting to ever see them on tv is not likely to ever happen. Some brilliant storys so far and a few shocks to the end of season2


            I've never understood why Rescue Me seems to have been seen by so few people over here. Its consistently brilliant, just enjoying the latest series in HD via iTunes.


              Originally posted by RuBiQ View Post
              Just DL seasons 3 and 4 of rescue me as getting to ever see them on tv is not likely to ever happen. Some brilliant storys so far and a few shocks to the end of season2
              I've finished 3 and started 4- there's a humdinger of a surprise in season 3...

              But yeah I agree- great show and apparently nobody watched it. Bizarre.
              I got seasons 1 and 2 on DVD a couple of years ago and wanted to get 3 and 4 (this was when Sky fell out with Virgin so I saw the first ep. of season 3 then we lost Sky 1), but you couldn't get 3&4 for region 2, you could only import. Season 3 is now available here but only as of June I think. God knows why the delay was so long.


                Im about 5 eps into Season4 now, your right, theres 2 very big twists in S3 and beginning of S4 I didnt see coming..

                Tommy gavin has some wicked sunglasses thou, im gonna have a look at aquiring some after ive caught upto date with the show so I dont end up spotting a spoiler which will ruin it for me..

                How nuts is shelia... but fantastic chebs

