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The Wolfman 2009

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    The Wolfman 2009

    I've been keeping an eye out for this and the full trailer finally came out the other day. I must say Im looking forward to this, I think the main draw of a werewolf movie is the transformation scenes. A bit like an erotic thriller where all you're looking out for really is the naughty bits. I was a bit perplexed by the choice of Del Toro and he does look a bit out of sorts amongst the other actors. Still looking forward to it though, heres hoping it wipes the mind clean from the crap that was Van Helsing . . . .

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    Last edited by bash; 26-08-2009, 22:06.

    Saw the trailer last week, and all I can think is that no matter how much I trust joe jonstone anyone who throws out a Rick Baker transformation better prove his point well


      Wow, I'm rather pleasantly surprised by the trailer. Looks like a modern Hammer film and it will be interesting to see if they can make that work in this day and age. I like Del Toro, there's something quite unique about him. Transformation is already far too obviously CG for my liking which gives his form a lack of substance but, that aside, I think it's looking really good.


        Looks quite interesting. Heavy use of CG in the backgrounds and wolfman himself don't bode well though.


          The look of the film is fantastic. At first I was thinking it looks very generic, but.. then I realised the story looks interesting. Definitely looking forward to it. Should make for a stunning BD.


            Del Toro is in it mainly because it was his idea to make the film. I think he is a producer on it too. It's a troubled production with film stopped after a few months then restarted again. Still looks pretty good though.
            Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


              Didn't think this was that bad considering its troubled production history. It's quite fun in parts and surprisingly gory. And the sets and locations are simply beautiful to look at. But story-wise, it's a mess. The cast, especially Del Toro, just sleep walk through the whole thing. The film only really comes to life during the werewolf scenes and unfortunately there isn't too many of them.

              Worth a watch but don't go expecting anything special. In fact, I'd recommend waiting for the DVD or blu-ray, especially if it comes packed with a revealing warts and all making of doc. It would probably be more interesting than the film.


                Just watched this and we were expecting a gothic wolf story.

                It was fecking terrible, hilarious though and worth a watch for the comedy wolf man effects, seriously I think they based the design on the scooby do wolfman.
                It goes to show how much CGI has moved on when a Rick Baker creature looks unintentionally funny.

                Hopkins was just playing Hanninbal Lecter and spouted lines that were so cliche you could finish them off in your head.
                Last edited by EvilBoris; 13-02-2010, 23:04.


                  Saw this today. Incredibly bad.

                  It was so bad it was almost comical. The immense gore and violence felt completely out of place and the deadly seriousness in which it was done gave the opposite effect to what the film makers probably intended. The wolfman costumes would've looked cheesy 20 years ago.

                  The plot is so incredibly by the numbers you would have guessed all the twists within the first 10 minutes.

                  There's not a single bright light in all of England, moonlight actually appears to be brighter than daylight.

                  The film is full off jump scares, all accompanied by incredibly loud noises.

                  Everyone in the film is an utterly pathetic shot. Never though it was so easy to miss with a shotgun or to fail to hit something running straight at you from a distance.

                  Why was Del Toro in this? He was completely out of place (in a film that made a big deal about Indian and gypsies, not a single person even noticed he was hispanic?) and was just generally poor.

                  I could go on all day about how bad this was. Worst film I've paid to see in a long time.


                    Del Toro looked very much like Kevin Eldon in this sketch.
                    The acting was quite similar too


                      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                      Everyone in the film is an utterly pathetic shot. Never though it was so easy to miss with a shotgun or to fail to hit something running straight at you from a distance.

                      I thought that until it was pointed out to me that Wolfie was hit by bullets, even silver bullets, loads of times, except they didn't register because as the gypsy woman said, it takes love to lift the curse or something.

                      The film reminded me of An American Werewolf in London on many occasions, except of course it isn't no way near as good. For all its faults, I think the film's biggest failing is that the Wolfman is one of the great tragic movie monsters, but for various reasons - half-hearted performances, a messy script, it's hard to give a damn for the characters involved. But, as EvilBoris said, there are moments that make me want to forgive its failings. Even if it is just for those moments of unintentional hilarity, which there is many.
                      Last edited by PrayforMojo; 15-02-2010, 16:00. Reason: typo


                        It reminded me of an American werewolf in London. He was American, a werewolf and in London.

                        The gypsies were useless, they literally didn't help anyone. At all.


                          Went to see this yesterday. Wasn't impressed at all. Watch Teen Wolf instead.


                            The action scenes were pretty good imo. The Wolfman is a badass character and the victim has a complete lack of control and I thought this was portrayed well.

                            The worst thing about the film was Anthony Hopkins. Woeful performance. Way too hammy.


                              Originally posted by jamesy View Post
                              Went to see this yesterday. Wasn't impressed at all. Watch Teen Wolf instead.

                              Was excited about this until this gentleman ripped it a new one. His reviews/previews are very good.

