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The Crazies (Dir. Breck Eisner, 2010)

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    The Crazies (Dir. Breck Eisner, 2010)

    A trailer for a remake of George A. Romero's 1973 cult classic has appeared online.

    The story is about the residents of a small, quiet, nothing ever exciting happens town in the American Midwest, who one day turn into homicidal maniacs, after the town's water supply is contaminated. It's up to the town's sheriff (Timothy Olyphant), his wife (Radha Mitchell), and the sheriff's shotgun totin' sidekick to figure out what the hell is going on and save the day.

    I really like the look of this remake. In recent years, I've become a lot more tolerant of the remake phenomenon. I think I learnt my lesson after signing an online petition to protest against Zack Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead, and then feeling incredibly stoopid when I ended up liking it. Another positive factor is that Radha Mitchell stars in it - an actress I am hopelessly in love with. Not only is she cute as a button, but she's got a great track record in these kind of B-movies. Yeah, this is one remake I actually feeling pretty good about. It also helps that I'm not the biggest fan of the original. Never thought it was Romero's finest hour.

    Trailer -

    It looks very much like a Zombie flick. Nothing original, but could be mildly entertaining. I thought it looks very low key, but at least I didn't see any irritating actors in it.


      The original was pretty dire tbh. The only entertaining scene was the 1 where the old lady stabs that special forces guy to death with her knitting needles!!

      Dawn remake was really good. I think I like them both as equal now.

      This remake looks promising. Saw an ad on TV last wk, then saw another new 1 tonight & it looks good imo. Better than that piece of crap Day Of The Dead remake.


        Not many reviews for this about yet, but Total Film seem to like it:
        Switching from fright film to Holocaust metaphor without ever relinquishing its popcorn-flick credentials, this is a vivid portrait of small-town apocalypse that earns its place in the annals of horror remake excellence.


          I saw this the other day and enjoyed it but overall just told me that a left 4 dead movie would work.

          Surprised a Zombie movie has a half decent story, as well as some crazy (pun!) stuff going on.

