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Stargate Universe

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    Stargate Universe

    So there have been 2 episodes of this and it's probably too early to judge, but was Robert Carlyle a good choice?

    I'm hoping they don't spoil too much of SG:Atlantis and the last few seasons of SG1 as I haven't had a chance to catch up yet.

    I think so, not sure I like the character he plays but he seems to play it well, He seems very self-serving, and somewhat sinister, but they've given an inkling of a back-story where he's lost a loved one and is still dealing with that, which could grant some compassion toward him, if he's going to be the lead in the entire series though, i think he [Dr. Rush] needs to be liked by the audience, so maybe he'll come good in the end, like you say though, too early to tell.

    As for the show, I always liked SG-1 and Atlantis, and didn't even know this existed until I caught the season openers by chance, I like it so far, it seems more mature and aimed at the people who've watched SG-1 from the beginning (or thereabouts), bearing in mind these people are 10 years or so older themselves, I'm gonna stick with it and see where it goes. I'd recommend catching up as quick as you can though, from what i've read there's at least some spoilers relating to the last season of Atlantis a few epsiodes in


      Ep 3 is much better and gives more of a feel for what the show will be like going forward. Personally I think Robert Carlyle is perfect for the role he plays it really well. The show has a lot of potential we'll just have to see how some of the characters develop.


        The plot device of the lad being enlisted through solving puzzles in a videogame is terrible, some of it seems okish....not enough Lou Diamond Phillips.

        Colour me saying meh so far.


          Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
          The plot device of the lad being enlisted through solving puzzles in a videogame is terrible, some of it seems okish....not enough Lou Diamond Phillips.

          Colour me saying meh so far.
          yes very the last star fighter type enlistment...i just though WTF!!!!

          as for LDP,

          is he not RIP from the first episode?


            Originally posted by beecee View Post
            yes very the last star fighter type enlistment...i just though WTF!!!!

            as for LDP,

            is he not RIP from the first episode?
            I think we are suposed to think so, we saw him in his jet fighter, then so more so guess so!

            It's funny, I actually LOVE Last Starfighter, probably why I cant accept this theme elsewhere!


              I really like this so far. Have to see how it goes, but i think its got potential


                Originally posted by booth83 View Post
                As for the show, I always liked SG-1 and Atlantis, and didn't even know this existed until I caught the season openers by chance, I like it so far, it seems more mature and aimed at the people who've watched SG-1 from the beginning (or thereabouts), bearing in mind these people are 10 years or so older themselves, I'm gonna stick with it and see where it goes. I'd recommend catching up as quick as you can though, from what i've read there's at least some spoilers relating to the last season of Atlantis a few epsiodes in
                I can deal with a few spoilers. I won't be able to afford the DVDs until the New Year anyway. I'm content to forget a few things here and there.

                Looking forward to ep4!


                  Back on last week! Ep11 was a good look at how the second half of the season is going to go. Probably.


                    Nice one didn't realise it had started again not sure why they gave it such a massive break. Looking forward to ep 11 the end of episode 10 was awesome.


                      SG:U was just cancelled. The unaired episodes will be aired next year.

                      The series lost track and rightfully deserves the bullet.

