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X-Factor (Whitney Houston)

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    X-Factor (Whitney Houston)

    Now before i get slated for watching this toss, the missus had it on and Whitney came on to sing and commented on how well she looked. I said I thought she looked rough but i didn't realise how wrong i was.

    She was a total f*cking mess. She sand about 5 lines from her new song and most of it was from backing tapes. She also looked either high as a kite or completely trousered as well as looking like an extra from Thriller with her new face. Dermot was asking her a couple of questions after her set and she was completely out of it.

    When he asked her what she thought of the acts she just said they needed to practice, practice and practice some more. What a put down, she may as well have said they were complete sh*t and needn't bother. She could have at least said they were decent instead of coming acrooss as a total bitch

    Anyone else see her?

    I thought Robbie was on something last week as well , must be a normal requirement to sing on there now ..

    I agree with the Whitney comment she looked like a bag of spuds close up .... she was scary !!!


      I watch it an don't care who slates me, she spent, what, ten plus years on smack and crack ?
      That crap takes it's toll I doubt there is alot left upstairs.
      On a plus note Cheryl looked like an M Bison drag act


        Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
        I watch it an don't care who slates me, she spent, what, ten plus years on smack and crack ?
        That crap takes it's toll I doubt there is alot left upstairs.
        On a plus note Cheryl looked like an M Bison drag act


          She did ! I though they would invade Shadaloo


            sadly she was likely signed up because the producers knew how much of a mess she has been for a long time. A shocking performance and they get a few days of stories to put in the tabloids.

            Find a former megastar who is in the gutter, give her a prime time gig that she isn't up to, add a 1minute delay in case she does something that you single can't show and just let the trainwreck happen.

            If it goes without a hitch, great! The show will be talked about as her revival
            If it goes slightly badly, great! "aww she was trying, it's good the show gave her a chance"
            If it goes very badly, great! People will talk about it for weeks and keep watching incase something else bad happens
            If she does on stage that's incredibly tragic

            but still great, just think how much this clip would be shown on the news! You can't buy that kind of advertising!

            God I'm cynical...


              She did ! I though they would invade Shadaloo
              She could invade me and I'd let her win


                ps Go John and Edward !!!!!


                  Originally posted by nintastic View Post
                  She could invade me and I'd let her win
                  No thanks, the real winner was in the room tho Mmmm Nicola Roberts
                  love them redheads man


                    No thanks, the real winner was in the room tho Mmmm Nicola Roberts
                    love them redheads man
                    I'm sure if you woke up in the middle of the night, Cheryl standing at the bottom of your bed saying ' Take me now' .........You would !


                      I am a fat single geek I would never turn down anyone under age 80 ! Nicola was just on itv2 mmm yummy.
                      Cheryl was better when she was little Cheryl Tweedy, I do like Kimbley tho


                        I am a fat single geek I would never turn down anyone under age 80 ! Nicola was just on itv2 mmm yummy.
                        That's why were all on here !


                          I never knew so many blokes on here watched tripe that is the x factor. Ban request for yous


                            Each to their own !


                              lols I was only messing

