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Rage Against The X-Factor...

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    It's not RATM best song (I personally prefer Guerilla Radio, Testify and Sleep Now In The Fire) but anything is preferable to another dreck-factor Number 1. I mean what if they get this guy to do the next Halo theme like that Leona bint doing FFXIII?


      Originally posted by Holio View Post
      It's 29p on Amazon, so I done my pennies worth, and yes it's not the greatest song of all time, but then again what crap has been as the Christmas number 1, (bar maybe Bohemian Rhapsody, twice); but its more to do with Anti-Karoke Factor that has turned Saturday night tv into the dirge that it is. I'm all for this, FIGHT THE POWER PEOPLE!
      I thought that it had to be above 49p to count towards the charts?


        Apparently that's only for physical copies, not DD. Can't remember where I read that, but I'm sure I did.


          The internetz will go crazy tomorrow - for better or worse.


            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
            Apparently that's only for physical copies, not DD. Can't remember where I read that, but I'm sure I did.
            It's for DD too, but apparently Amazon count because they pay the full retailer price, and sell at a loss to gain market share. Some choose to play it safe and go with somewhere else, though.


              I actually really like joe....

              Ha, but with that said... I do appreciate how superficially sh*t the xfactor is. I am a hypocrite though, I'll admit that right away, because I do sit there with the misses every Saturday evening watching it (well, did)... But this year was the end for me. Since Leona won, the show has increasingly stripped away the contestants uniqueness, their spark, their personal something something. It instead molds them into puppets and completely and utterly steps away from the musical talent. It's all fireworks and gimmicks, which is such a shame.

              I do feel sorry for Joe though, because he is a generally a gifted vocalist.
              ----Member since April 2002



                It's karaoke. It doesn't really matter if they can sing or not. Once they've won X-factor, there's a good chance they won't be heard again without some form of auto-tune supporting them.

                Most people can sing at a reasonable level after a couple of months of singing lessons and auto-tune can do the rest (can even be done at concerts, assuming they don't lipsync). The real talent is in people who write and perform their own songs. and by 'write' that doesn't mean 'sit in a room whilst other people discuss lyrics'.


                  No, it's not the best RATM track, but it's not about the actual song, it's about the principle.

                  I'm glad Amazon counts despite being only 29p as I use it all the time.

                  It'll be amusing to see Cowell chucking his toys from his pram through not getting his own way for once, though I suppose he'll just be able to console himself with his millions.


                    I've downloaded RATM 5 times as I got a credit for MP3 tracks from Amazon. It'll be great if it gets the No.1.


                      Thought it flagged as 'suspecious' if you did more than 2?


                        Originally posted by Gruce View Post
                        Thought it flagged as 'suspecious' if you did more than 2?
                        Did them in separate orders. Did ask me once if my duplicate order was intentional though.


                          i listened to the five live phone in the other day and whats annoying me with this whole thing, beyond how utterly pathetic it is, is the sanactamonious high minded pseudo intelligencia who think this is some blow for freedom rather than simply an oversized student prank with a couple of pop songs.

                          It seems its ok to tell people what to buy and force a number one on the charts if its got some supposed credibility, other than the musical difference I fail to see how getting RatM to number one by bully tactics and huge publicity from an organised campaign picked up on by the media is any different to what Cowell and his mob are doing

                          Its a case of 'I want to be an individual just like everybody else'

                          Iits not the new Tianamin Sq (sorry about spelling) protests or bringing down the wall is it ?

                          still love the song though but will stick with my album from when it first came out.

                          Think my biggest gripe is how many buyers of this think they are saving people from the x-factor, they don't need saving, they like it. no such thing as good or bad music, just stuff you like and stuff you don't.
                          Last edited by merf; 20-12-2009, 08:28.


                            Originally posted by Ady View Post
                            It'll be amusing to see Cowell chucking his toys from his pram through not getting his own way for once, though I suppose he'll just be able to console himself with his millions.
                            Do you think he really cares though? Really?

                            Merf...wonderful post, wonderful!


                              It's going to be very close, RATM were 9,000 copies ahead at the end of Friday, did the public go out in their massed to buy the physical single yesterday?

                              Assume sales are only counted up to the end of Saturday?


                                Originally posted by merf View Post
                                i listened to the five live phone in the other day and whats annoying me with this whole thing, beyond how utterly pathetic it is, is the sanactamonious high minded pseudo intelligencia who think this is some blow for freedom rather than simply an oversized student prank with a couple of pop songs.

                                It seems its ok to tell people what to buy and force a number one on the charts if its got some supposed credibility, other than the musical difference I fail to see how getting RatM to number one by bully tactics and huge publicity from an organised campaign picked up on by the media is any different to what Cowell and his mob are doing

                                Its a case of 'I want to be an individual just like everybody else'

                                Iits not the new Tianamin Sq (sorry about spelling) protests or bringing down the wall is it ?

                                still love the song though but will stick with my album from when it first came out.

                                Think my biggest gripe is how many buyers of this think they are saving people from the x-factor, they don't need saving, they like it. no such thing as good or bad music, just stuff you like and stuff you don't.
                                Do people really think that? If they do, they are idiots. No-one I've spoken is thinking of this in terms of a revolution and the credibility side doesn't come into it.

                                No, what will be interesting is if RATM does get to number one is that the X-Factor, with all of its millions of marketing spend and industry power behind it will be beaten by a group of nerds on the internet with nothing except a small bit of 'let's do it' attitude.

                                I said that I wished they had chosen a more worthy artist (as in someone who deserves success but has yet to obtain it) but as others have said, the song is completely irrelevant.

                                What narks people about the X-Factor isn't the song or the artist, it's the feeling of entitlement Cowell and Co have that the Christmas number 1 slot is rightfully theirs - that no-one could possibly overcome the marketing machine that is X-factor.

                                I don't want this to become a annual thing, nor does it really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's a bit of fun and may just give Cowell and other marketing dudes pause for thought, that ultimately it is the public and not him who decides what will be. And that's no bad thing.

