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Blu-Ray Best Of The Best - for discussing releases only

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    Originally posted by Lyris View Post
    Guys. Where is Interstella 5555?
    Good idea!!!
    Originally posted by Lyris View Post
    Edit: pretty priceless that the people on that site - useful as it can be - are still jumping all over the dust particles of the corpse of HD DVD. Give it a rest guys, your moms and dads bought you the right format...
    Lol I generally find it best not to read the posts on there as a lot of them do seem to be by kids who really don't care about films in any way and just use it to show off how badly they spell while slagging off anything which isn't Blu-ray.

    It's a shame really I seem to remember it being a far more serious place when it first started off back in the day.

    I've not really looked at the HD DVD equivalent but was it as bad on there too?


      It's a shame really I seem to remember it being a far more serious place when it first started off back in the day.
      It was, I used to read it with anticipation 5 years ago!

      I'm not sure if there was an HD DVD equivalent. High Def Forum is pretty rampant with fanboys of the other variety.


        Looking to buy 3 all region blu rays on line (NCfOM, 2001 & The Assasination of Jesse James fyi) but I can't decide whether to go with movietyme or Amazon, can anyone confirm the liklihood of incurring import charges using amazon and if it would make it more expensive than Movietyme?


          Yes, Amazon aren't too great from that perspective. They sometimes over-declare the amount!

          Go to MovieTyme or (in the US) and order them in separate packages.


            You'd definately be safer with one of the two Lyris suggested as there is a fair change Amazon will mark it up if you are buying three at a time. It probably doesn't help that they always seem to send them in boxes big enough to post fridges over in either.

            I'd spent a bit of time looking for other US shops last week and one that kept getting mentioned online was

            I have a couple of things on order with them now so I can't really recommend them from personal experience but from what I've read they seem to be considered really good by quite a few people.
            Last edited by JP; 05-03-2008, 21:47.


              Cheers guys...appreciated!


                Has anybody else used on here before?

                Although everybody who uses them seem to recommend them it's always nice to get it from people first hand rather than of forums that I wouldn't normally bother visting.


                  Well i just ordered with 'em so we are in the same boat! I'll let you know how it goes, still cant believe the average uk high st price for blu ray is anything up to £30...just got all three for £48 incl. carriage.


                    just got No Country for Old Men, I Am Legend, Enchanted, Gone Baby Gone and Dogma. Only watched No Country so far. Will watch I am Legend tonight.


                      Fox Drops Retail Pricing on Some Catalogue Titles

                      Originally posted by FWC
                      It appears that Fox has decreased the retail price on a number of their (and MGM) catalogue titles. This new retail price of $29.98 is reflected at Amazon, though at the time of writing some of the Amazon prices have not changed to reflect this discount.

                      It is great to finally see Fox understand that we don?t want to pay the same price (or more!) for Fox catalogue titles that we pay for new releases from the other studios. See original story for list of titles.


                        I did have a slight preference for HD DVD, only because of its region friendliness, but now the format war is officially over, I've been buying blu-rays at a frightening rate. Just this week alone, I've put orders in for Jesse James, I Am Legend, No Country and 30 Days of Night.

                        God, I love HD, but it's costing me a fortune.


                          Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                          Has anybody else used on here before?

                          Although everybody who uses them seem to recommend them it's always nice to get it from people first hand rather than of forums that I wouldn't normally bother visting.
                          Good news about this shop, my Sky Captain & The World Of Tomorrow & Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn BDs turned up early today. They were ordered at around 10PM on Wednesday!!!

                          I'm really impressed, £21 for the films and £5:54 USPS mail. I'm guessing they've been shipped from the UK but I'm happy.


                            Just watched No Country. Man, I love this film, and the visuals are glorious. The extras are crap, though. Just the standard backslapping stuff really.


                              Just watched I Am Legend and it's quite a disappointing transfer. It's certainly vibrant and most of the dark scenes hold up pretty well, but it's rather fuzzy in places (you immediately notice it on the first shot of sam in the car) and it just isn't as detailed as films like Zodiac. There's hardly any of the three dimensional pop images either.

                              Don't get me wrong, it still looks fantastic in places, ut just doesn't have the consistency you'd expect from a AAA release.


                                I'll be interested in checking that out, sounds like it's been Warner'd...

