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    Just watched ep17. Did anyone else recognise the device they were using to hack the Graystone's network? It was a PSP-Go, haha. I guess the props people figured it's such a poor seller that nobody would notice...


      What an ending!!!

      Shame it didn't get another series as the round up at the end seems to me to essentially show us what would have happened in series 2.....

      Wondered how they would solve the Bill issue.......Didn't see that coming though.


        What? There were supposed to be 19 episodes weren't there? Haven't watched it yet.. if this is the big finale then I'm getting some munchies in first!


          Only 18 episodes. Get some munchies and enjoy.

          There are a couple of things that are picking at my brain (my need to piece things together is starting to grate)......age being one of them and the other skin related.....You'll understand.

          Edit: Sussed the age thing. Misheard, wasn't a year later as I had thought. Tis just an anniversary. Makes perfect sense now.
          Last edited by TBL2260; 02-12-2010, 09:04.


            I watched it, the episode itself was good but the ending was exactly what I'd expect to get from a show that was cancelled early. A montage of 'and then this happened!' clips. American TV networks need to get themselves sorted out.

            Funny cos as the series has gone on it looked like we were being shown exactly how the Cylon robots became attached to the monotheists and so on - a few episodes ago you could have drawn a straight line from these events to the start of Battlestar Galactica. The last one kind of unravelled all of that though.

            Good series let down by a slow start and a rushed finish, and some diabolically bad casting (in the form of Zoe Graystone). Eric Stoltz was fantastic though.


            They were obviously setting up Zoe as the 'one true god' that the Cylons revere

            but it seems like they completely forgot that there were in fact two such entities in V world. Tamara never even got a mention in the last couple of episodes.
            Last edited by Darwock; 03-12-2010, 07:56.


              I think she might have played a role in S2 if it had gone ahead.

              Interesting if they were setting Zoe up like that, especially given that "it doesn't like to be called that"

              Personally I loved the show, loved the slow build up and pay offs of all the threads coming together. The montage at the end just hammered it home for me as to how good it was going to get IMO.

              Disagree with you on the Zoe thing. But that might be because I watched the 'bath' scene atleast 3 times over hoping for a peek.......

