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Furry Vengeance - Film of the year?

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    Furry Vengeance - Film of the year?

    Just look at those glowing reviews! Look at that incredibly funny trailer! Only thing that would make it better was if Brendan Fraiser was wearing a fat suit!

    I saw the trailer and thought it looked ****e but you made me click that link... 0% is mightily impressive for a film. That requires an amazing dedication to crapness.


      When i read the title. I thought this


        Poor ol' Brendan Fraser. I don't even think he's completely untalented. But, man, he's made some piss poor movies. Still, Whoopie Goldberg isn't in this so it's got to be better than Monkey Bone. But then it probably doesn't have a dog dressed up as Darth Maul either so I guess that balances things out...


          I really enjoyed Ink Heart and thought it deserved far more recognition than it got.


            As a rule I avoid all Brendan Fraser films unless they have Liz Hurley in themz.


              To be fair, Drag Me to Hell has a rating of 92% on there and I'd watch ANY Brendan Frasier film before that again.


                Blast from the Past isn't too bad.

                I saw the trailer and actually thought it looked stupid fun, will watch the rip when it comes out.


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  To be fair, Drag Me to Hell has a rating of 92% on there and I'd watch ANY Brendan Frasier film before that again.
                  Fair play, my girlfriend was really scared by it too, I thought it was really fun.


                    Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3D is lovely, there. Kind hearted, exciting - very 80's feeling without a bad bone in it's body. Give it a go.

                    And he was awesome in Scrubs.

                    And he's meant to be very good in Gods and Monsters.


                      Journey To The Centre Of The Earth was alright, and I LOVE the Mummy films. Airheads was good back in the day too. He isn#t a bad actor - just does some bad films.


                        He's also the ideal captain Carrot for any Vimes focused Discworld adaptations


                          All this negativity around the film has peaked my morbid curiosity. Next weekend I'm gonna go watch this (if it's still on ).


                            yeah...i think i'll give this a miss...

                            When Dan Sanders (Brendan Fraser) takes a job overseeing the construction of a supposedly "green" housing development in the Oregon woods, he thinks his greatest challenge will be helping his urban-oriented family (Brooke Shields, Matt Prokop) adjust to country life while simultaneously trying to keep his demanding boss happy. But, when the local animals learn that Dan is in charge of their habitat's destruction, the fur flies in an all-out battle between man and nature.

