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Four Lions (Chris Morris' feature film debut)

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    The weirdest bit with her was when Omar went to give his coded goodbyes at the hospital and she was just looking at him like "yeah whatever". Maybe it was just bad acting??


      I got the impression she was either conflicted or just really holding back because the policemen were there. I thought that scene was really poignant, though, one of my favourite parts of the film. Of course, I was too busy cooing over said poignancy to notice the acting (or lack thereof). Hopefully my DVD will land today so I can check and update this post accordingly


        Originally posted by Darwock View Post
        The weirdest bit with her was when Omar went to give his coded goodbyes at the hospital and she was just looking at him like "yeah whatever". Maybe it was just bad acting??
        it was terrible acting on her part, no surprise really. She was ****e in eastenders too.


          ^^ lol


            I disagree, I thought she was good.

            The message she seemed to be conveying to me in the hospital was 'go on then, don't screw it up and let me down again'.


              Is the Blu-ray region coded?


                Originally posted by Papercut View Post
                I disagree, I thought she was good.

                The message she seemed to be conveying to me in the hospital was 'go on then, don't screw it up and let me down again'.
                Lol no way, you give her far too much credit.


                  I just watched it for the second night in a row and enjoyed it as much as the first time. The satirical elements (if that's the right word, I want to say allegorical but I think an allegory is supposed to be more different?) became a lot clearer. Particularly the role of Waj as the innocent believer doing what his faith tells him.


                    None of the main 4 were doing as their faith told them because Islam doesnt tell you to blow up fellow muslims or non muslims. right at the end Waj himself claims he doesnt know what he's doing and states "Im confused".

                    If you look at Omars brother example, hetried to get him off his violent path, he and his friends came across as practising muslims who ironically were the ones to get harassed by the cops. Omar and his "crew" were just stupid and not really practising at all if you think about it.


                      That's what I meant by it being an allegory though. It was pretty clear that he had major doubts about what he was doing but if Omar told him it was OK then all his confidence came back. Maybe 'faith' was the wrong word, substitute it for whoever such people turn to for guidance.


                        I read Darwock's statement as "his faith", not "his faith". Does that make sense?

                        p.s. DVD arrived today. Can't wait to watch it Love the low-key cardboard case with just photos on it.


                          Ok so I finally watched it again for the first time since getting the DVD. Got mum and pops to watch it with me which was a bad idea. She'd hurt her ribs from a little fall earlier this week so the laughing was literally killing her

                          I take back what I said about his wife. I'd got it into my head that she was getting more religious as the film went on but really that's not dealt with at all (the only external shot of her is in the hospital near the end, otherwise she's indoors so obviously not wearing a headscarf, but for some reason I thought an earlier scene had her outside without it but it turns out it was just a scene with her at home still in her hospital clothes). She was egging him on, though, so I don't think she seemed particularly conflicted.

                          I found out about an easter egg on the DVD. I'll be honest, who knows when (or if) I would've found out about it if I hadn't ripped it (tut tut) but while ripping I saw flashes of Morris behind the camera and I've been through all the extras and couldn't find it so Googled.

                          In case you're wondering:

                          On the deleted scenes menu with the puffins, wait about 10-20 seconds and a bird flies down onto the ground. Press up when it lands and you'll get to the secret menu. The secret menu has two options that you choose by waiting for the one you want before pressing select (like the audio setup menu) and if you stay on that menu, the Puffins ask questions that are taking the piss out of the silly things journalists have asked Morris about the film.

