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The Walking Dead (TV series)

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    Good episode this week I thought (talking US timing wise) all leading up to a massive mid-season cliff hanger surprise surprise.


      All in all I was disappointed myself, there was some really dumb logic jumps and the mid season preview makes next weeks look like a carbon copy of the face off from season 3. The show really needs to move on.


        Is anybody reading the comics still?

        I caught up over the weekend and it's still blinding stuff.

        Negan was described as The Governor Mk2 by a friend, but he's very different and I was genuinely tense reading the one where their truce falls apart and what Negan would do next.

        I'll tell you what's next - all out war!

        Last edited by QualityChimp; 26-11-2013, 09:52.


          Originally posted by DavidH View Post
          Good episode this week I thought (talking US timing wise) all leading up to a massive mid-season cliff hanger surprise surprise.
          It is soooo slow at the moment. Hopefully though it is the calm before the storm.

          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          Is anybody reading the comics still?
          This is the TV thread. Spoilers man!!!!


            I'm still reading the comics. But being honest, I feel the

            Negan thing has gone on way too long and now that the world has opened up and is full of people, I kind of feel the draw of the comic has been lost. I'm still sticking with it but really I haven't really enjoyed it all that much in a while. I do like the dude with the tiger though.


              Sorry, smouty.

              I was talking in general terms, but I've spoilered the lot.

              The TV show is so very different to the comic, I didn't really think it was necessary.


                Last two weeks have been slow, but is totally worth it for the pay-off at the end. Maybe they'll actually pull off

                Comic prison massacre



                  Why couldn't every episode be as good as that mid-season cliffhanger.

                  Anyone else seen it yet?


                    Was really good wasn't it? I cried a little.

                    The end was horrible. You think the baby got munched?


                      Just what the show needed too, a fast paced episode.


                        Re the spoiler posted by Pavey

                        Yes I think so. Be interesting to see now how it all pans out re people meeting up again etc


                          Depends on how the second half goes, personally,

                          unless I see a body in this show I don't buy they're dead. I also find it unlikely the four little girls put the baby down in the middle of evacuating. More likely she was taken out the seat and is on the bus with the two smaller girls who vanished unexplained. I'm glad the prison is done though, hopefully the shows repetition can stop now and the story move forward.


                            If it's anything like the comic then

                            Judith won't survive, and there's no way in a million years you'd get away with showing that comic scene on tv, so might have been a more tasteful way of handling it. However the show established itself from the comic ages ago, Hershel was beheaded instead of Tyresse so who knows.


                              I found it mildly irritating that

                              the governor lined up hershel before mishone...especially after declaring him a "good man", also he conveniently allowed michone to scurry off when the **** hit the fan.

                              Other than that it was fantastic, but i've loved the season so far barring only a couple of episodes.


                                Still need to watch the last 2 episodes of Season 3, then catch up on the half season of the current one.


                                reading about Negan and he sounds much much worse than The Governor (even though Rick has his reasons for hating both). His taking out of Glenn is horrific and I wonder how that will be shown in the TV show, if they do that at all. It would be gutsy and a good development if they chose to though.

