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Grandma's House - New BBC sitcom

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    Grandma's House - New BBC sitcom

    Has anyone been watching the new sitcom 'Grandma's House' - starring Simon Amstell?

    I will give my opinion on it. I think it's an absolute mess. Amstell can't act at all - and looks like he's being forced to perform under duress. I say perform, but it's more like he's frozen with fear, with a constant expression on his face that says: "Help me! Get me out of here!" He's clearly extremely uncomfortable in every scene.

    Now, some people will say that the way he looks and behaves is very funny - even if it's not meant to be. They will say it makes for comedy gold because he's so bad at acting. I will say it makes me cringe.

    In the two episodes shown so far, Amstell is in his Grandma's house, with his grandma, mother, auntie, grandad, and other characters connected to the family. They sit around, talking about each other, and nothing much happens. There isn't anything really funny about it at all. It's very spooky in a way - like the family are trapped in a really boring episode of the Twilight Zone. The characters are also a very boring, unexciting bunch. The writers have tried to inject some life into them, but everything that happens comes across as forced, desperate and limp.

    I will say the show is very strange and uncommonly bad. It's sooo bad that it sort of confuses the mind into thinking it's interesting. Like a really bad b-movie, but without any of the silly thrills you expect. People have compared it to the American show 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' - but whereas Larry David is full of life and enthusiasm, Simon Amstell is like an apathetic zombie. The shows are miles apart in quality: Curb Your Enthusiasm is brilliant, and Grandma's house is extremely poor.

    I have a feeling that if Simon Amstell learnt to act and behave with more confidence, and was then given a show more like Curb Your Enthusiasm, it could actually work. That would take a lot of time and effort, judging from what I've seen of Grandma's house.
    Last edited by Leon Retro; 18-08-2010, 20:40.

    I haven't seen it, but surely it can't be as bad as that awful Dawn French/Alfred Molina 'sitcom' that's recently started?...


      Not seen either, but going by reviews that I have read, Grandma's House is shockingly bad, and the French/Molina sitcom is ok.


        I watched Grandma's House and regretted it. As Leon say's Amstell is absolutely wooden in it, and it's just not funny. I expected more, as Amstell can be amusing, but he misses the mark completely with this mess.


          Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
          I watched Grandma's House and regretted it. As Leon say's Amstell is absolutely wooden in it, and it's just not funny. I expected more, as Amstell can be amusing, but he misses the mark completely with this mess.
          Yeah, Amstell has a sort of cynical attitude, which is similar to Larry David, but he's not as confident in front of the camera as Larry is.

          The actual show is very uneventful and dull. I can feel some idea of what the writers were trying to achieve, but it just doesn't work. Nothing much happens, and the characters aren't appealing at all.

          I think the actors, apart from Amstell, are very professional and worthy, but the whole scenario is weak, and therefore the acting talent is wasted. It all seems very cheap and lacking in scope.

          When I read people comparing it to Curb Your Enthusiasm, I understand where they are coming from, but to me.. it's only because Amstell has a Larry David sort of vibe about his personality. CYE is a very eventful show and full of life. Grandma's house is like a graveyard in comparison.
          Last edited by Leon Retro; 19-08-2010, 00:11.


            Saw the last episode this morning.

            Blimey, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn't really know much about Simon Amstell and I hadn't really seen any Buzzcocks or anything but decided to give it a go anyway.

            The final ten minutes of the final episode are among the finest ten minutes I've ever experienced on telly ever, so much so that I watched the ten minutes again this evening after work.

            I can't fault it one bit. I've recently been watching 30 Rock and Seinfeld(halfway through the final series) so the pace and setting of GH is a welcome change from the hyperactivity of those two programmes.

            Speaking of Seinfeld, I think Jerry Seinfeld can't act but he doesn't ruin Seinfeld for me(despite getting dangerously close at times, especially in the earlier so I don't mind if Amstell can't, as I love the supporting cast anyway.


              I really liked it too - sure, Amstell is a bit painful sometimes, but he's surrounded himself with such quality character actors it doesn't matter too much. Some of it is wonderfully non-PC.

