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Scream 4

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    Scream 4

    "leaked" trailer (been up for a day without being taken down...)

    I enjoyed the first Scream but I disliked the sequels and the endless 'post modern' slashers it spawned. Not a fan of slashers in general.

    Would be nice if this one was as smart as the first though.

    Slasher Films are usualy crap, recently Hatchet (and possibley its sequel that is out soon) has been the only really good one I can think of.

    However I think the Scream films are pretty good, cant imagine why this would be any differnt to the rest of them really, so should be fun enough, despite the fact that its not exactly a film the world needs or anything.


      I agree with you Smurf, i have always thought that they didn't need to make more than 1 Scream. I don't know why people lapped it up at the time, there wasn't anything interesting about Ghostface whatsoever, the only interesting thing was premise itself.


        I really enjoyed the Scream films. They certainly re-invigorated the tired slasher genre and spawned many clones and parodies. They were clever, knowing, funny and thrilling in equal measure. When the first one came out I was in college and it was quite a big deal back then amongst my age group.

        I was happy with the way the trilogy ended and don't really see the need for a fourth film but Hollywood can't say no to making a quick buck and churning out horror sequels. I hope it's good and takes the story on in a meaningful way and doesn't rely on the Scream name to sell it.


          Ten points for just calling it Scream 4, instead of Scream Resurrection/Reloaded/The Revenge or, as might be expected nowadays, just 'Scream'.

          Ten point penalty for turning the number 4 into a letter of the title.


            Scream 2 has some of the best suspense set pieces I've seen - the escape in the crashed card, and the bit in a sound proof studio. Think they're both masterfully done.


              The first Scream was ok, but the series turned into horror films for folk that don't like horror. By the third film it was just a self referencing insular circle jerk.
              Scream 4 is a film that most certainly does not need to be made. I suppose it's going to be in 3D, right?


                Wes Craven's latest film definetly is so who knows. I heard his newest film is complete arse and the 3d is non existant.


                  Watched this.

                  I enjoyed it, but thats mainly becuase I like the other films. It was very self referential or "meta" (which you will get if youve seen it) but it doesn't quite have the punch it should have.

                  The kills are very unimaginative, I was mildly amused by the gag with the garage door at the start of the film (that was obsviously satirical of the first film) but that was it, the rest is just a masked bad guy jumping out of closets and stabbing folk, usualy when you know they are gonna be there. It also has zero suspense, unlike previous films.

                  However the scream films have never really been about the killing so much as the witty scripts and likeable characters (somthing the genre usualy lacks) and this still ticks most of the right boxes for the series. Besides the kills it is as well made as any of the previous films and as such still works well as a murder mystery, it is packed full of movie references, it still revels in its victims absurd stupidity and yes Dewy is still useless.

                  Simpley put this is a good, but not spectacular, Scream film. Nothing more, nothing less, and that seems to have been the whole point really.
                  Last edited by rmoxon; 25-04-2011, 03:48.


                    For me sections of this were too weak and the humour element was cringe worthy. It's far closer to being Scary Movie 5 than it is Scream 4


                      Yep. Was very poor. Scream 1 had decent characters. This tried to pack in too many people without giving any characterisation. It was literally one kill after another and was very boring. Even my hardcore Scream fan friend thought it was poor, and this is the guy who loves slasher movies.

                      I thought it would be a pretty good film based on the director and writer, but alas not to be


                        Deffinitley wouldnt call it very poor myself becuase as I said I enjoyed it, I did think it was probabaly the worst in the series though. As you say it had very little characterisation, instead relying on what we knew about people from previous films and not really caring to tell us anything about the new characters at all.

                        Strangley this is currently the highest rated Scream film on IMDB. Considering its been on worldwide release for a week and half now thats pretty suprising to me really.


                          So much for a second trilogy. The hope of “Scream 4” was that it would launch a new series of films. Decidedly mixed reviews and underwhelming box-office however may have nixed those plans. Moviehole spoke with a contact at Dimension Films who says “The ‘Scream’ franchise will likely end here, at least for the moment” […]

                          Trilogy Fail! Word is that due to its critical and commercial failing Scream 4 has buried the series. It may return as a DVD series but Scream 5 & 6 look dead.


                            I think they will make part 5.

                            The second and third films seemed to have a much worse critical reception than this. It's had a relatively low key release considering it's a big series of films within it's genre so I'd never expect it take make all it's money in the first week, it will also do well on DVD.

                            I'm sure we will see more scream films at the cinema.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 26-04-2011, 19:50.


                              Why would they make a fifth when the fourth has bombed? By this stage you'd be looking at even less money for the fifth. End of the day, it's a financial decision. It's unlikely to break even after prints and advertising. If they thought a fifth would make money, they'd go with it.

                              Maybe in 10 years they'll reboot the thing (I HATE that term). Personally I think sticking with the original cast was a mistake anyway. It won't be called Scream 5, they'll go back to Scream as it's a simple, iconic title. They were on thin ice with Scream 3, and even with a long gap to S4 it would seem the audience just doesn't care anymore. Plus it's ran out of ideas, the post-modern schtick is old hat now.

