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The Book of Eli

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    The Book of Eli

    Really surprised there isn't a thread for this film.

    I just watched it having heard a few people saying it wasn't all that but I loved it.

    The look of the film as a whole is what appealed to me in the first place. It looks VERY Fallout 3 style which I love. Then I seen it was a Denzel film, who I'm a big fan of, and he definitely delivered with a classic performance as always. The soundtrack as well was great, it just all worked for me. A very good post-apocalyptic film.

    DONT READ unless you've watched it:

    Can't believe he is blind. It actually does all add up when you think about it. Lots of tiny little clues there all through the film looking back. Strange nuances that a blind person might do and a person with sight wouldn't.

    Can't wait to watch it again knowing that so you can see everything.

    Loved it.

    I think there are mixed opinions over this so please discuss.

    Is that Usher?


      Trailers looked very good but was strongly advised not to watch it, watched it anyway, wished I'd followed the advise as it was extremely average with the story and acting.


        It started off with a very unique visual style and concept, but as the film went on it got gradually more and more bland until the end where it looked just like any other blockbuster movie.

        Now that I think about it, the world we saw in the opening scenes completely vanished as soon as he woke up the next morning.


          I saw this earlier this year, and enjoyed it a lot, I had a few questions afterwards, but googled the answer

          Planning on watching it again over Christmas, this time making sure others are watching it too...... It really reminded me of Fallout 3 in parts......



            I'm a sucker for anything post-apocalyptic, so naturally I thought it was great!


              Originally posted by Oldgamingfart View Post
              I'm a sucker for anything post-apocalyptic, so naturally I thought it was great!
              Yeah, I'm a fan of post-apocalyptic movies too.

              I thought Book of Eli won't set the earth on fire, but really enjoyed it. Some nice action sequences and quite enjoyed the sense of hope throughout the film.

              I'm kinda guessing that's the complete opposite of The Road!

              The design was really striking and is still pretty memorable since seeing it at the cinema at the start of the year:
              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
              Off to the flicks tonight.

              Should I see Daybreakers, The Road or The Book of Eli?

              EDIT: Under DVD Mike's suggestion, I saw The Book of Eli.

              I really enjoyed it and it probably was less soul-crushing than The Road. I do like the way post-apocalypse people have got clean teeth though.

              Both Gary Oldman and Denzel Washington are engrossing characters and Mila Kunis is always easy on the eye.
              It had some nice ideas and plot twists and kept me entertained throughout. Nice.

              Mila Kunis is an avid WoW player and is dating Macauley Culkin according to Wikipedia...
              I miss DVD Mike. He was very knowledgeable about movies and stuff.

              He seemed to pop a blood vessel then ride off into the sunset.
              I hope he chillaxes and then comes back soon.


                I like the look of the movie, like Denzel, love a post apocalyptic setting, yet could find nothing to save this massive pile of crap from the pits of movie hell! Truly dire. If you ever wondered how many slow motion shots of Denzel walking about it's possible to fit into a movie, watch Book of Eli (or don't, just take my word that it's lots!). Pretentious cheesy poop! And don't start me on the ending!


                  I managed to get my cousin and brother to watch this with me last weekend, they had not seen it before, but I have earlier on in the year. At teh end of the movie, I got more answers to questions I hadn't asked, knowing what to look out for and what not. So on a second watch I enjoyed it all over again.........

                  My cousin and brother? Well, they thought it was very slow and dragged out, concluding that it was an average movie....... I can understand why they felt it was somewhat lacklustre in parts....... But I still enjoyed it.

                  One thing that did puzzle me was the part

                  when Soria (sp) showed Eli (if that is his actual name) the location of one of the water sources, how did she get out of the cave, when he locked her in from the outside? Also, why did Gary Oldman's right hand man, lower his gun at 'Eli' when they had that first shoot out, outside the saloon?

                  Last edited by 112; 20-12-2010, 11:51.


                    Originally posted by 112 View Post
                    One thing that did puzzle me was the part

                    My thoughts on that are...

                    I just assumed she (Solara) broke out, the guard who was tied up got free and let her out, something like that.

                    I'm not sure on the shootout part. It was almost a mark of respect. Eli goes on a rampage and kills everyone but Redridge. Redridge takes two shots at Eli and misses. Then thinks 'I'm ****ed' as I can't shoot and clearly he can so lets Eli go, knowing that he didn't want trouble and wouldn't kill him if he was letting him walk away.


                      Originally posted by 112 View Post
                      One thing that did puzzle me was the part

                      when Soria (sp) showed Eli (if that is his actual name) the location of one of the water sources, how did she get out of the cave, when he locked her in from the outside?
                      How did

                      Jesus' body get out of that cave in that other movie



                        Ahh..... makes sense Roscco Thanks!

                        He doesn't actually tell people his name does he? The only hint of a name is on his back pack, which I assume is what others thought was his name

                        Spags, thanks for your version, was most helpful mate, can always count on your for the goods


