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General Film Thread

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    General Film Thread

    Wasn't sure what to do with these as we don't have anywhere for discussing films that don't have their own thread unless we're talking about them on blu-ray.

    There's a couple of films that I've been looking into recently and I'm just wondering if anybody has seen either of them yet?

    These are the two that have caught my attention



    I'm not actually when either were in the cinemas over here but I know that Marwencol is getting a home release in the US shortly.

    Just seen a review of Marwencol on HD-Sensei and it seems that it's now available on blu-ray in the US.

    These aren't from there but they've got some interesting captures from the film.


      There's a review here if it's any help. Can't help any more than that, these look way too arty for my tastes.


        Well Marwencol looks very interesting. Admitedly, these type of films are usually wasted on me, but I do like the sound of the premise. I don't know why, but it (the review supplied by Number45) reminds me somewhat of 'Lars and the Real Girl' (which I enjoyed watching).

        I was hoping for a feature length film full of action men figures, I wonder if that's ever been done?


          I'm really looking to Hanna. The director has a superb track record - I think Atonement is a masterpiece. However, I don't think the reviews have been that good for it, so who knows.


            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
            There's a review here if it's any help. Can't help any more than that, these look way too arty for my tastes.
            Cheers, hadn't read that review but from what I have read people seem very positive about the documentary.

            It's probably best not read too much into them though, especially the vocabulary, the style of these two as Hanah to me looks to be standing just the right side of many action films.

            Again, I really try to avoid reading too much into them in advance as trailers are often made in the board room rather than in the cutting room and could well have very little to do with what's really going on.

            With Marwencol the style of the documentary appears to be perfectly in balance with Mark Hogancamp and the way he lives due to some idiots deciding to permanently disable large parts of his brain.

            Maybe it's wrong for the director to get involved so emotionally with the documentary's subject but from my very limited experience with what I've read and seen of the film, again it seems to work.

            I think as it's already out I'll import it next pay day, I may well end up hating everything about it but I'd rather buy it and get it wrong that way then not buy it and risk missing out on something I suppose.
            Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
            Well Marwencol looks very interesting. Admitedly, these type of films are usually wasted on me, but I do like the sound of the premise. I don't know why, but it (the review supplied by Number45) reminds me somewhat of 'Lars and the Real Girl' (which I enjoyed watching).

            I was hoping for a feature length film full of action men figures, I wonder if that's ever been done?
            Well, wasn't there a GI Joe film a while back? Not sure how that was made though.

            Can't help you with Action Man films unfortunately but there are people who use dolls in their films, possibly better known for his stop motion work rather than his puppetry but I really like some of Jan Švankmajer's work.

            I find some of his works to be quite disturbing to be honest and the man clearly has nightmares. Both Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam name him as one of their major influences though and there is something that does seem to carry across into their films.

            Another film I've had my eye on fir a while is Rubber which is out over here already.

            Yep, that's a real film. Ignore the 1st April release date.

            What really surprises me though is a quick look at Rotten Tomatoes as although it doesn't really pull it off the professional reviews are littered with some really positive comments.

            It doesn't quite seem to be the film I was hoping for but it does appear to be Bat-**** Wonderful...which doesn't happen too often.


              Thought Rubber was absolute tripe. Pretentious, dull and lacking. How can a film about a killer tire be so boring. Pointless.


                Don't know, the sentence 'music by Mr Oizo and Gaspard Auge' means it's gotta be a must-see for me.


                  Has anybody here seen Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives?

                  Never heard of the film but the title got my attention in HMV today and there seems to be a lot of positivity about the film.

                  I love the tranquility in what I've seen of the film so far.

