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    An image from the film:


      Daym! the 6 pack is no more LOL


        Vin Diesel says that a potential fourth film in the “Riddick” franchise, should it go ahead, is some time off. He tells Maria Menounos: “it’s a miracle that Riddick exists, it’s a miracle that we’re back on the boards, it’s a miracle that we just unlocked the key to the continuation of this franchise. I […]

        David Twohy believes there's two more entries left in the series should it get past this one.


          I saw this tonight. Overall, waaaaaay better than I expected it to be. It's a small movie, clearly a fairly cheap movie and there isn't a huge amount to it. On depictions of gender, it performs really poorly. There's not much tension to it either, where I felt there was potential for a lot of tension.

          And yet all that said, I really enjoyed it. It's like a movie in three parts, each one kind of different and each one working very well. The first part is pretty much Riddick completely alone and he manages to keep it really engaging. It bugs me that the eye thing has been forgotten about (as it was in the second one) but otherwise there was a clear attempt to try to capture a bit more Pitch Black Riddick and leave behind Chronicles Riddick (and they get any Chronicles connections out of the way fairly cleanly). The end result falls somewhere in between and it works.

          When Riddick gets some people to play with, they all perform surprisingly well. I actually felt some of the characters and their performances were top notch. Won't go into the actual characters as you can see it play out for yourselves but, yeah, really enjoyed the characters. Some great little moments too.

          Because the movie has this three part thing going on, I did feel it ended a little abruptly. Mainly that's because the premise in the latter part really could have been the whole movie but they didn't have a huge amount of time for it. But it still played out well.

          So yes, very enjoyable. It felt like they really made an effort to entertain with this film. They got a huge amount from what seemed on screen like quite limited resources and made the most of almost everything. Really glad they got to make it, really glad I got to see it. And I'm also very glad I watched the two previous movies before seeing it because, while it follows Chronicles, a plot point of this ties directly into Pitch Black.


            I did enjoy the movie generally but felt that the pacing was a bit elastic in the film and it could have been about 20 minutes shorter. Also the section of the film where Riddick is stalking from the shadows pretty much suffered for me because the other characters were nowhere near as developed as he is.

            If Twohy and Diesel want to do one more I'd be up for that (or a game tie-in even). Just get it out before Vin gets too old to continue looking bad-ass...


              I seen Riddick tonight. And if you like the character and liked Pitch Black then you'll enjoy this movie. Its a fun movie and Vin Diesel just knows how to portray Riddick on screen and get the best out of him as a character, with all the cheesy lines and how he's says whats going to happen as he's in some kind of bind as usual.

              Don't believe what the critics say and just go enjoy a good popcorn movie.


                Don't listen to the critics, Bubbles knows his ****


                  I like this franchise, plus the games were decent...what's not to like? I'm glad it's getting good vibes on here, I like the Riddick movies kinda in the way I like the Hellboy ones.

