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    The problem with oblivion is that it ticks all the boxes for looking and sounding beautiful.

    Seriously, it's a stunning looking film and looks like it has come straight out of a utopian Sci-Fi concept art book.
    The Icelandic scenery and impressive CGI worked really well to make it look like an alien land.

    The plot was pretty mysterious up unto a point, unfortunately being too conventional made it glaringly obvious that a character was good/evil or had ulterior motives.
    It's as if the film makers thought that just because the characters had a certain perception of what was happening, the audience would have the same one.

    Ultimately, the thing that bothered me the most if I'm not nit picking was that it was actually pretty boring and that's before I factor in it was predictable.


      Not a single original idea was its biggest downfall, though plenty of decent flicks are born out of retreading old ground, same here, was ok. Looked great.


        I quite enjoyed this. Nothing ground breaking, but I loved the imagery. Joseph Kosinski really loves his big landscapes. Both this and Tron: Legacy stick in my mind because they feel so vivid and epic even if the plot of either doesn't quite match up.


          Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
          If I wanted to work at enjoying a piece of media, I'd play video games. Or attend tennis cinemas, where the film only shows while you play tennis.

          The bit I bolded in your quote is enough for me to agree with all the critics, without ever having even seen the film. Thanks for sharing - your advice has been quite useful.
          Well its not a complicated film. Its hard to explain what I meant exactly without spoiling the film. its not like its some puzzle. It only has one twist that happens about half way into the film and its not hard to grasp or anything. The only thing is that the film never screams an explanation at the audience, like many do these days. In many ways its a much more old fashioned experience, despite the modern effects.

          Having said that I doubt a person of average intelligence would have to work very hard while watching it providing their brain was actually switched on.

          However if all you want to do is switch your brain off, then there are plenty of other effects filled films out there for you to watch, as this isn't for you.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 03-09-2013, 23:54.


            Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
            The only thing is that the film never screams an explanation at the audience, like many do these days. In many ways its a much more old fashioned experience, despite the modern effects.

            It doesn't need to scream it as it waves it in your face silently with its clich?d cinematography and conscious visual clues.


              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
              The only thing is that the film never screams an explanation at the audience, like many do these days. In many ways its a much more old fashioned experience, despite the modern effects.
              Well, I don't like screaming an explanation.

              What I do like though is monologuing. Like the one Deckard does in Bladerunner, to explain little things? It's like auditory footnotes for films. I wish more sci-fi films had them. I wish all films had them. I know fans don't like them in Bladerunner, but that's my favourite aspect of the film.

              You see, I'm a details man. Character depth, emotional depth, plot arc, none of that really matters to me. I like the tiny little details that flesh out something on a technical level.

              Morgan Freeman is ace at monologuing. Remember Shawshank Redemption? Freeman monologuing. Oh yes.

              I watched a spoiler video on Youtube, and the guy explaining the plot didn't seem to understand it fully himself.


                I didn't think there was much to understand really. All seemed pretty obvious. It was like "Moon" - it was obvious half way through what was going on and from there you just sit back and enjoy it. Some bits were dull and cliched, but overall it was worth a watch for sure.


                  Someone should do a Youtube mash up of Cruise in Legend and Oblivion.

                  Oblivion and Legend.

                  Legevion. Obligend. Leblovien. Ogendivion.


                    My girlfriend and I were pondering how many films Tom Cruise has been called "Jack" in now... We counted Legend, Jack Reacher and Oblivion... but it feels like there should be more!

                    Oh, and the monologuing in Blade Runner sucked! I was glad to see (well, hear) the back of that in the Director's and Final Cuts.


                      Originally posted by DJ Mike View Post
                      Oh, and the monologuing in Blade Runner sucked! I was glad to see (well, hear) the back of that in the Director's and Final Cuts.
                      With you on this one, especially the last Rutger Hauer scene!


                        The best looking blu ray this year on our 8500 plasma, jaw on de floor


                          Originally posted by Hartley Hare View Post
                          The best looking blu ray this year on our 8500 plasma, jaw on de floor
                          Sammy 8500?? lovely!

