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John Carter

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    I actually really enjoyed it but can see how it flopped with children

    Children these days are spoiled with movies like graphic novel or comic book adaptations

    they want Thor or Iron man, Batman or Superman but in this movie they got a guy with dense bones and a love story

    but i enjoyed it decent amount of humour, special effects were good and the story itself was decent


      It was the name and the marketing that killed this film.

      I think children would enjoy it. It has some good action scenes and like you say good effects. The story is good too, the main guys acting was alot better than it was in Battleship. I think a whole family would be very satisfied by the film.

      As I said previously I really do feel that this series could have become the Star Wars for a new generation of youngsters. Its a great movie and would have been a fantastic trilogy.

      Apparently the director was the one who pushed to call the film "John Carter". He also wanted a trailer that showed all action and no story for some reason, so anyone who watched the trailer would have no idea what it was about. The director is clearly not a very smart man.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 23-05-2012, 11:12.


        Marketing Maybe but adding from Mars wouldn't have made much difference to be honest

        Disney probably arnt too bothered anymore - after blu ray release it might recoup half its money back and with recent movies like avengers assemble im sure the bad debt of John carter has been written off

        but it did deserve to do much better than it did and will be buying the blu ray on UK release


          Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
          Marketing Maybe but adding from Mars wouldn't have made much difference to be honest

          Disney probably arnt too bothered anymore - after blu ray release it might recoup half its money back and with recent movies like avengers assemble im sure the bad debt of John carter has been written off

          but it did deserve to do much better than it did and will be buying the blu ray on UK release
          Calling it "John Carter of Mars" would have at least given people a clue that it was a big budget sci fi blockbuster. "John Carter" just makes it sounds like a low key biopic about a man with a boring name who no one has heard of.

          Ill be picking up the blu ray too, I feel it deserves all the support it can get really.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 23-05-2012, 11:50.


            Have to agree with rmoxon here. The name "John Carter" is so generic that if you're not familiar with the source material (like me), you can't have any idea what kind of film it is.


              i had no idea - watched the trailer and understood it was on a different planet especially with some of the creatures

              just might be one of these things that will flourish on the home market like other sci-fi gems (the thing, firefly/serenity, big trouble in little china)

