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The Stand

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    The Stand

    What's this? Another remake? Why yes, it is!

    David Yates, who directed the last four Harry Potter films, has the pick of the litter -- or should we say, pick of the literature? -- at the studio.

    Harry Potter director attatched to it at the moment, they're planning on turning it into 3 films.

    Can't really see this succeeding. It's a great book but it's already got a perfectly fine mini series (with a brilliant Flagg played by Jamey Sheridan). It's probably not going to cover the parts the mini series skipped over as that would bump up the certificate. Also the second movie will presumably deal with the travelling stuff which will probably make for a dull movie

    It'll also rub in the awful treatment that Flagg got in final The Dark Tower book

    I love the TV series, I believe I have it on DVD somewhere.

    I remember watching it vividly from my childhood and being terrified by it, the scene where the dude from Robocop is abandoned in a prison cell starving to death and getting a cheeseburger from the Devil stays in my head.

    Definitely up for a proper movie, I love post-apocalyptic movies.


      The Stand is a fantastic book in its unabridged form. And even the old mini series was pretty good. Stephen King stuff is pretty difficult to transfer to the screen as he writes in a way which describes events via the characters thoughts and feelings.
      It'll be interesting to see how they approach this version and how much stuff is jettisoned from the novel.

      A cast of relative unknowns would help as some star power may end up causing people to focus too much on one character. Even Flagg should be a relative unknown.


        It's been quite a while since I read The Stand. Do remember enjoying it a lot though and the mini-series was OK..ish.

        Always nice to see new King adaptations though - I'm still waiting for The Cell which had Eli Roth directing at one point.... not sure where that is now.

        On a similar note, I've just finished Dark Tower Book 1. Very good. Anyone read the whole thing? No spoilers pls.


          The Dark Tower series is excellent. And very long. Wizard and Glass is brilliant and is almost a standalone novel. The series ending is maybe not what you would expect but it is the correct ending.
          If you have read other King novels it's actually quite overwhelming how much of the King universe ultimately ties together around all of this. It almost seems as if he did it subconsciously as it seems too much to have been included deliberately over a very long period of time.
          Well worth finishing the series.

