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    He's a Commie


      Disney are the masters of appealing to old and young alike plus the moody emos inbetween. My expectations for this have increased exponentially.


        Disney are also master of creating pish CG films for the last 10 years, there have only been a couple of exceptions.


          Ssshhhh... I quite liked Chicken Little. Character design was neat.


            Meet the Robinsons was ok too, but that's about it.


              Meet the Robbisons was awful, it was also a movie squarely aimed at kids to the point that large portions of it were embaressing for adults to watch. I felt uncomfertable watching it to be honest, becuase I dont have kids so I dont see these films with kids, I felt wrong watching it without anyone uner the age of 5 by my side.

              I did enjoy Bolt though, and Tangled (even though it was one of the most expensive films ever made, and I couldnt understand why).
              Last edited by rmoxon; 07-06-2012, 14:51.


                Tangled was sad.

                Sad that they had the opportunity to create a CGI Walt Disney Classics style film, but instead it was just another Post-Shrek super westernised load of wisecracking nonsense.

                Bobbins it was.


                  I found Tangled far more enjoyable than a 31 year old bloke watching a princess movie should. Didn't realise it had cost loads to make, weird.

                  I almost wish Wreck It was done by the same people who made Chance of Meatballs, one of the few non-Pixar movies that really got it.


                    I found Tangled never lived up to everything I'd read about it being so amazing. Shame really as it had charm and then just seemed to drop most of that half way through. Perhaps I went into it expecting too much. I quite fancy this though - nice geeky idea too.

                    John C Reilly's intro to that video just makes it sound like he's doing Dr Steve Brule.


                      im suprised by some of the villians in the AA meeting, a robot from Cyborg Juctice(i rented that twice as a kid on the MD) and Dungeon Keeper guy just seems so out there next nintendo/sega/namco/capcom/kombat characters.

                      Anyone know who the purple rhino and elf chick are?


                        Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                        Anyone know who the purple rhino and elf chick are?
                        I believe the purple rhino is the last boss from Altered Beast. Dr Wily was originally in that meeting scene, sitting in between Ralph and Bowser, but now appears to have been replaced.
                        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                          New images out for the film which Disney seems keen on pushing


                            Just seen the trailer for this on the Cinderella blu ray (girlfriend got it today), looks pretty good!


                              New posters are out for the film which mix together the cast and known gaming icons


                                Ok so i couldnt wait for it to hit the UK shores and watched it

                                and........ not great

                                Animation is top notch but the story line is just ho hum

                                Bad guy is sick of seeing himself being the bad guy and at a party to celebrate the 30th anniversary of his game where he isnt invited he is challenged to get a hero medal and if he does he can stay in the building rather thasn a pile of rocks outside

                                The actual main game is a driving game across the hall, there are loads of nods to videogames, some in your face but some are subtle and its the subtle ones that i liked the most (like MGS exclamation mark)

                                i will probably go and see it when it opens in February but i kinda hyped this move to be awesome and just expected alot more

                                Nice to see Quebert again though

