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The River (TV, 2012)

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    The River (TV, 2012)

    So I saw a trailer for this while watching Big Bang Theory off a local TV site (legit!) and thought it might be worth a peek.
    Managed 20 mins before I had to go to work and am going to finish the rest when I get home.

    The story is that a TV nature documentary host and his crew disappear while filming on the Amazon and his wife, son and another crew go looking for him after his emergency GPS locator beacon is activated 6 months later.

    So the main character is "Lost" in a jungle. Weird stuff may happen to the "Lost" man an the people trying to find him.

    Hmmm...sounds interesting. May check it out.


      Have been looking forward to this.

      All I can say is, I am very disappointed.


        I just watched the first 2 episodes, it's dreadful. Horrible acting, terrible script and it's even got artifical scanlines on 3/4 of the time to simulate the crew being filmed...


          Hmm, this was getting great write-ups prior to released, one site even went as far to say it had one of the best pilots ever. Surprised at the negativity as I wanted a new new show to watch


            Made the mistake of getting a season pass on itunes for this, after the pilot episodes I watched episode 3 the following week and it felt like a really long episode I just wanted to end and be done with, found it very tedious.



              Last edited by QualityChimp; 25-02-2012, 21:25.


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                The more I watch it the more I laugh!


                  downloaded the first episode and watched it last night and the first thing my fiance said this done by the same person who did paranormal activity

                  i found the idea characters setting pacing very good but that found camera/cctv style really began to grate after a while

