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    LA Times have reported that the director of Chronicle is being lined up by Sony to helm a Venom focused spin-off film. Given Spiderman has been rebooted it would be safe to assume this will be related to that. However I'd have thought, given the closeness of the character to Spiderman, surely it's a hint at Venom appearing in Amazing Spiderman 2?

    I have a feeling that the writers might be basing this around the version of venom that was used by the military in the comics, it won't need to feature spiderman at all if that's the case and might not even have anything to do with the new franchise of spiderman.


      It reckon it'll be play as part of a "avengers" type build up, using multiple character movies to create super hype for to a bigger superhero/villan cross over movie. I wonder what other characters Sony have got the rights to. I'm only guessing this is Sony's plan, otherwise they don't have not a lot else to compete with Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. I wonder how big a character Flash Thompson will play in the new Spiderman movie to justify a spin off to the latest Venom carrier. I much prefer Eddie Brock though.

      I guess its easier to make seperate villan movies so you dont have to explain so much of their back story into the crossover movie. Then again, Flash Thompson is now mates with Spidey/Parker so this might actually end up as another superhero movie too.


        Yeah, this will be a superhero movie I think. Flash Tompson wont be an "evil" Venom like Eddie Brock would be.


          I would love a Dr doom film, should have been way more badass than he was in the f4 films


            I'm doubtful they would make any films about villains, people generally need a Good guy for a lead character, someone they can relate too and/or cheer on.

            I don't think a film based just around a villains origins would appeal to many people and no big studio would make it.


              Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
              I would love a Dr doom film, should have been way more badass than he was in the f4 films
              Dr Doom in the unreleased 90s FF4 was hilarious but awesome, the best thing about the film. Kind of OT, sorry.

