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    I like Ricky Gervais. I liked him on the 110 O'Clock show. I thought The Office was brilliant. I enjoyed his stand-up shows e.g. Animals. However... WHAT THE HELL!? Anyone else see this train wreck TV? What an absolute embarrassment.

    ...I liked it! It's more a drama with comedic bits in it and beforehand I was very dubious about watching it knowing the type of character Derek was, but it actually had some decent acting and emotion that I wasn't expecting.
    Life's Too Short on the other hand was a total cop out.


      The whole time I just felt like 'why is Ricky Gervais acting in this bizarre manner?'. I'm a huge huge fan of The Office and Extras, but Life's Too Short and now this...meh. He's losing his way a bit.


        I've liked everything he's done really, in terms of sitcoms at least (his last stand up show was a poor effort, with mostly recycled material). I haven't watched this yet (I only found out about it this morning), might watch it tonight. Having seen the trailer, though, I am looking forward to it as it looks funny, but what the hell is up with Pilkington's hair? It looks like a 'funny' wig from one of the crappy sitcoms Gervais is always lampooning (a la When the Whistle Blows).


          You guys seen the US Office? I started watching literally today and once you get over the obviously re-used jokes from the UK one and treat it as it's own show it's actually damn funny.

          What I do dislike in the world of Gervais is Karl Pilkington - I just don't find him entertaining and it's a shame that Stephen Merchant takes a back seat to someone like this now.
          Last edited by Fader209; 16-04-2012, 16:36.


            Watched the US Office until around season 6...season 1 and 2 are good, and the downward slide started with 3 imo. 4 and 5 were pretty poor, and then midway through 6 I just had to stop watching as it just got rubbish.

            Great to start with though


              Yeah had to turn this off, truly awful tv. I'm a big fan of his stuff but couldn't get into this.


                Watched it, and other than a couple of funny moments, it was pretty much meh.

                I find Gervais quite limited in his acting skills, all his characters have pretty much the same mannerisms.


                  I reckon Gervais initially intended this as a *massive* bad taste fest but backpedalled desperately when 'Monggate' kicked in, and - panicked by the bad reactions over numerous attention-seeking Twitter pictures of him acting like a 'mong' - decided to instead make something that even Peter Sallis might find too 'un-edgy'.

                  None of it worked and I would've respected him more if he'd just gone all-out on the bad taste, at least it would've seemed more honest than what he eventually put out.

                  And that piano music, *gehhhh*....


                    I stumbled across this recently but there was nowhere to post it, it goes on for ages and I didn't watch it all but the opening is pretty good:


                      I love Gervais, but really didn't like Derek at all. It seems generally it was well received, and I'm glad for Ricky as he has come in for a lot of unfair flack recently, especially from people that can't seem to tell the difference between his comedy persona and real life.


                        Originally posted by shinobi7000 View Post
                        I stumbled across this recently but there was nowhere to post it, it goes on for ages and I didn't watch it all but the opening is pretty good:

                        On the bit before it reaches 16 kills, he's *doing* his Derek face!


                          I thought it was the best thing he's done since Extras. Go figure.

