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MCU: The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

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    MCU: The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

    Disney has announced that a sequel to the record-breaking blockbuster Avengers Assemble is already in development.

    Disney have announced that a sequel to the current mega-hit ensemble superhero film is now in the works. Bearing in mind that Marvel are developing (including considered projects in the Marvel Universe):

    -Iron Man 3
    -Thor 2
    -Captain America 2
    -Incredible Hulk 2
    -Doctor Strange

    What would you like to see happen in Avengers 2?
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 27-04-2015, 17:17.

    Is there a Nick Fury movie going ahead too? As for what I'd like to see happen in Avengers 2, well, the first thing is that the same team stays on board. It's not that I think someone else couldn't handle it but this Whedon team got it so right, and it wasn't an easy film to make work, that I'd really hope the sequel comes from the exact same people.


      Personally I'd like to see them not rush a sequel.

      Considering that rumours seem to see them want to aim for a 2014 release which means that with Iron Man 3 & Thor 2 slated for next year then we could see Cap 2 & Avengers 2 in 2014 would be too much too soon for me.

      I'd like...

      Iron Man 3 / Thor 2 - 2013
      Cap 2 / Hulk 2 - 2014
      Avengers 2 - 2015

      It will be HARD to wait that long but I don't want a rushed bumbling mess because they need to get it out quickly while the hype is there.



        They've also said no Avengers 2 until at least after IM3, Thor 2 and CA 2 (although I guess that could change depending on how money-hungry they get). Apparently no Hulk 2, though. Hulk is seen working better in a team environment rather than on his own (which I agree with). As for other flicks there's this - - can you work out the clues?

        Apart from Whedon returning I'd like to see another Avenger (Vision? Black Panther? Maybe Ant/Giant-Man if Edgar Wright's movie ever appears) that ties in with the villain. Although the idea of Thanos and all that entails (who'd play Warlock and Magus?) gets my inner-fanboy going I wouldn't like to see them all in space. Ultron and the Vision would be good.
        Last edited by Wil; 09-05-2012, 15:22.


          I don't wanna see this until at least 2015, lets at least get out movies for Cap, Thor and IM and maybe Hulk.

          I'm sure we'll have seen Ant-man by then and i would love to see a Black Panther movie so they could bring him in too. No chance of seeing him or a movie but Black Knight would be a dream come true for me

          Personally i wanna see a decent Avengers villain so someone like Kang would be good or they could Put Baron Zemo in Cap 2 and bring the Masters of Evil into Avengers 2.

          It'll probably be Ultron though.


            How confident you all are that you'll still be here in three years. 2015 is promised to no man.


              I'm assuming that the villan will be a high profile one, or at least has appeared in one of the other up and coming Marvel films.

              Having to spend a fair part of the film building up the villan, if he's not already known to the mass audience, will mean a rather short film compared to one where the main protagonist is widely recognised.

              Hopefully it'll be Galactus or Thanos. Tho' I admit that I'm not 'up to speed' with comics and the arcs and what the Avengers usual arch nemisis's are.

              I would also second Neo's suggestion, Ultron. If only because I have a statue of him! I would just hope that they got his paintwork right! LOL!!!!


                Thanos is shown at the end, like Nick Fury was shown at the end of Thor.

                One can only assume..


                  Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                  How confident you all are that you'll still be here in three years. 2015 is promised to no man.
                  Yeah, the worlds ending this year isn't it?


                    I'm guessing despite the Thanos angle, Loki will still be heavily prevailant. He can tie in very easily and costs a lot less to have on screen than Thanos's CG heavy visual


                      I think Loki worked really well but he's carried two movies as the bad guy and I'm not sure we need a third. I think I'd prefer him to vanish now for a while.


                        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                        I'm guessing despite the Thanos angle, Loki will still be heavily prevailant. He can tie in very easily and costs a lot less to have on screen than Thanos's CG heavy visual
                        Not overly familiar with Thanos. Is he really that decent a villain?

                        I wouldn't mind seeing a CGI version of Gladiator duking it out with The Hulk or maybe pinch Apocalypse from The X-Men and have him as the big bad; never understood why he wasn't used in any of the X-Men movies - such a superb villain.


                          i'd like to see the supposed SHIELD movie essentially being a kind of avengers 2. it could still mainly feature fury, black widow and hawkeye in a slightly more down to earth story. introduce a few more characters like hank pym and wasp, maybe a little cameo of cap and banner or something.
                          but i dont think they all have to be such a massive spectacle. with those characters you could have a more stealthy/spy type vibe. then go back to a big save the world scenario for a real avengers 2 with the full super powered line up.


                            Yeah, a Nick Fury/Shield movie would have to do somthing a bit different.

                            Lets face it after The Avengers whatever movie marvel do next cant really hope to feel even half as spectacular, so they will have to go a dfferent route.


                              Originally posted by Fuddle View Post
                              i'd like to see the supposed SHIELD movie essentially being a kind of avengers 2. it could still mainly feature fury, black widow and hawkeye in a slightly more down to earth story. introduce a few more characters like hank pym and wasp, maybe a little cameo of cap and banner or something.
                              but i dont think they all have to be such a massive spectacle. with those characters you could have a more stealthy/spy type vibe. then go back to a big save the world scenario for a real avengers 2 with the full super powered line up.
                              I wouldn't mind seeing Antman make an appearance. Sure they could do some interesting stuff with him and Banner.

