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The Shining

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    The Shining

    Any fans here?

    It's my number one movie of all time. Nobody can play a madman like Jack did IMO.
    Kept you waiting, huh?

    I like the atmosphere of the film but find the actual story a bit pointless and boring.


      Love it, that bit when she discovers the typewriter....... Top stuff


        One of my all time fave films. I just hope they never try to do a remake.


          When I saw the thread title, I instantly thought it was about a remake. I think my heart stopped for a second.


            I find the shining a bit boring. Nicholson goes mad and the audience sees loads of weird things that don't make sense. Then it ends. Plus alot of kubricks later films look crap these days becuase he shot them thinking that we would always be watching them on square TV's. I've always been a fan of widescreen, even when I did have a square tv, it always baffled me that he would choose to shoot films like he did.


              Its a bonafide masterpiece that i could watch with clockwork orange, full metal jacket, and imo the underrated barry lyndon.

              Its that kubrick magic, with one of nicholson's best roles and it was a perfect combination.

              The brilliant direction, brilliant use of sound, the perfect performances, the setting......everything.

              Kubrick was my favourite director by a country mile.

              Its not kubricks best movie though, not even second best.




                  It's a masterpiece in it's shorter form - the longer version is worth watching as a curio, but adds flab to a pretty tightly paced story.


                    I love it. Thoughtful plot, tense atmosphere, interspersed with moments of horror. More of a ghost story than anything else, but one of the best there is. Great interpretation of a slightly wordy (but still readable) book, too.


                      A truly heartwarming film.


                        Nicholson is great in it but other than that it's like all Stephen King horror based stories, dull and boring.


                          Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                          Nicholson is great in it but other than that it's like all Stephen King horror based stories, dull and boring.
                          Dont ever watch 2001 then, or any of kubricks other work for that matter.

                          Dull and boring i think are the last two words i'd use to describe the shining....its riveting from start to finish imo, and it absolutely oozes atmosphere.
                          Last edited by PaTaito; 09-07-2012, 08:02.


                            I love horror but have never managed to get into this film. I appreciate that it's iconic and I like some of the imagery, but the film itself just leaves me cold. I don't think it helps that I don't rate Jack Nicholson, and I only have ever enjoyed two Kubrick films (Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket).


                              I prefer The Shinning.

