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Pacific Rim

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    Pacific Rim

    Guillermo DelToro's new film is on the way and... well... it sounds like an awkward sell.

    "When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity?s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsoleteJaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind?s last hope against the mounting apocalypse."

    For Comic Con, WB has released the first poster:

    That poster looks more like a Bruckhiemer/Bay production. Even the film title has been rendered in a super generic typeface. But I really like DelToros work so will give it a chance.


      Good cast, good director, good concept. High potential!


        Will there be Jaeger bombs?


          i really really hope it does well....purely as it will give him the leverage to make the hp lovecraft film


            He's said that he doesn't want to make that after seeing Prometheus.


              SDCC view taken from DH:

              Warners pretty much won the convention today with a five film, 2.5 hour presentation that was nearly flawless. Right from the get go Hall H was out of their seats starting with what would have to be one of the most expensive moves of the convention – turning the mega screen into an almost Cinerama […]

              "Guillermo del Toro was up first with "Pacific Rim", his giant robots vs. giant monsters movie. Making the best use of the three screens throughout, the film itself got a big launching pad thanks to an extended trailer that wowed.The worry with this project was the one-line concept itself sounds shallow, an empty giant robot movie provokes images in the mind of "Transformers". That's not the case here - instead we're getting the closest thing to a Hollywood blockbuster based on anime you could probably get. As someone like myself who grew up loving "Neon Genesis Evangelion", something like this was quite cool to see.Unlike Michael Bay, del Toro's action remembers the laws of physics - these 'Jaegers' and their fights have inertia, scale, momentum, and environmental factors. The 25-storey tall robots are controlled by two pilots, each sharing different hemispheres of its 'brain'. The designs themselves aren't "over designed" liked the Autobots but still somewhat similar if sleeker.Environments were greatly varied - there was a battle at sea, a collapsing robot in the snow, and various shots of the human characters in jump suits. Like all his films, the colours and lighting was extremely rich and deep, the style just beautifully handled. The Godzilla-esque monsters themselves scored only the briefest of glimpses but fans of his previous work will be very happy.Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman, Charlie Day, and Rinko Kikuchi joined him on stage to answer a few questions but del Toro pretty much commanded the room saying the tone was much more "romantic adventure" than a war movie. There are nine monsters and a half dozen robots fighting in varied environments. To add authenticity, he did things like use oil with the camera and add lens scratches to make it feel more real."


                First image from the film:



                  Incredible! Can't wait for this!


                    Glados? Evangelion?

                    I'm in!


                      Legendary Pictures indeed! Now if only we could get JAM Project to do the title theme...


                        Giant robots built to fight giant monsters?!

                        I'm in!
                        Last edited by QualityChimp; 14-12-2012, 14:57.


                          Needs more Miniguns, Cluster missiles and a giant hammer, other than that

                          I'll love it they go deep in to GunBuster territory by the end of it.


                            Big clunky robot action. Zone of the Enders style would have been better.


                              Giant Robots.
                              Giant Monsters.
                              The a.i is GLADOS!! (actually is the same person!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

                              I dont normally watch things like this but will be going to see this...

