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RIP: Tony Scott

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    RIP: Tony Scott

    68-year-old filmmaker Tony Scott has died in an apparent suicide on Sunday reports The Wrap. He was 68. A suicide note was found inside Scott’s black Toyota Prius, which was parked on one of the eastbound lanes of Vincent Thomas Bridge near Long Beach, California. Scott climbed a fence on the south side of the […]

    You might have already heard about in the news this morning as its getting quite a lot of reporting. Tony Scott has died aged 68 after committing suicide.

    The Top Gun director looks to have driven out to Vincent Thomas Bridge at Long Beach, California, left a suicide note in his parked car and then immediately leaped off the south side of the bridge.

    Quite an exotic suicide, shame, I'm quite a fan of a few of his questionable movies, and Top Gun.

    Particularly The Hunger though, probably his most interesting picture.


      Was he depressed or somthing? Sounds crazy.

      He was a good director who made films without pretentions that we're simply there to entertain, and he did it well.

      True Romance and The Last Boy Scout are two of my favorite films. He was very consistent too and even his more recent work was good, Unstoppable was a very enjoyable film.


        Inoperable brain tumour apparently. Very sad - RIP.


          That's unbelievable!!

          Deja Vu, Man on Fire, Beverley Hills Cop II, Top Gun, Days of Thunder. There are more. Proper actiony, guilty pleasures!

          That and he, along with Ridley, helped get Numb3rs off the ground which I also really enjoy.


            And Crimson Tide - which ironically is what he left behind.

            Sad news - I hope this doesn't mean the Top Gun 2 production is canned.


              Hopefully they'll finish Top Gun 2, make a great job of it, and dedicate it to Tony.

