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Best Blu-Ray of Total Recall?

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    Best Blu-Ray of Total Recall?

    In honour of the new movie I'm finally getting around to picking up the original on blu-ray, but as I've started looking, there seems to be 3 or 4 different versions out. From what I can tell, the Mind Bending edition from the US has the best transfer, but it's region locked.

    Does anyone know if there is a Region B version with the same transfer? In Australia there is just plain Total Recall as well as a Special edition, but I've no idea if either have the good transfer. To add to my confusion there is an Ultimate Rekall Edition in the UK!!!

    If anyone can shed some light on the subject I'd be very appreciative.

    The recent one that just came out, transfer was approved by Paul Verhoevan. Stunning release!

    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 23-08-2012, 08:41.



      I recently heard that Quaid's adventures as a spy might really be a figment of his imagination and the light at the end of the film is his brain exploding!

      Anybody else heard this theory? Has this been discussed at all recently?!


        Verhoeven in the new interview on the current blu-ray confirms this. He even goes on to say he is lobotomized.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          Hey! I recently heard that Quaid's adventures as a spy might really be a figment of his imagination and the light at the end of the film is his brain exploding! Anybody else heard this theory? Has this been discussed at all recently?!
          That completely spoils the film, I'm throwing my copy away.


            Originally posted by SuperBeatBoy View Post
            Verhoeven in the new interview on the current blu-ray confirms this. He even goes on to say he is lobotomized.
            I watched this interview recently and he does nothing of the sort actually. He states its open ended and I still belive this is simply him trying to please the tools online who came up with the "its all in his head" idea, as he has previously never talked in such ways about the film.

            But thats all Im saying on the matter. Think I've argued about it enough latley.


              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
              I watched this interview recently and he does nothing of the sort actually. He states its open ended and I still belive this is simply him trying to please the tools online who came up with the "its all in his head" idea, as he has previously never talked in such ways about the film.

              But thats all Im saying on the matter. Think I've argued about it enough latley.
              You have certainly made your retarded case. Plenty.


                Never mind
                Last edited by parkinho; 23-08-2012, 18:32.


                  Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                  You have certainly made your retarded case. Plenty.
                  And you have been consistently foul and nasty about it. So good job at making yourself look like a vicious and ignorant fool just becuase I don't agree with you. I have previously given well thought out and intelligent reasons for why I don't belie it's in his head. All you have done is called me names like a little teenage Emo wannabe Internet film geek trying to look cool but failing miserably.

                  You seem to be a bit of a waste of space. Have your parents kicked you out of their basement yet?
                  Last edited by rmoxon; 23-08-2012, 18:39.


                    Good one. I seem to remember you being entirely unwilling to debate on the strength that your 'workmates' had the same flawed opinion you do.
                    Last edited by Stoppy2000; 23-08-2012, 18:49.


                      Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                      Good one. I seem to remember you being entirely unwilling to debate on the strength that your 'workmates' had the same flawed opinion you do.
                      Thats not what happened at all. Twisting words, well done, yet another childish trait you seem to have. I simply said that my workmates had never thought about it beig all in his head, and I don't really consider them stupid people (well not all of them). The film never attempts to make the viewer really belive it's all in his head so why should they think it?

                      If you want an intelligent discussion I would be more than happy to have one as I have many reasons why I belive what I do about the film. If you do just want to call me names that's fine too as I'm not really bothered, I was just pointing out that it makes you look bad.


                        The film literally has several moments when it is explicitly stated it is all in his head. Along with a couple of hints. Surely these cannot be ignored????


                          Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                          The film literally has several moments when it is explicitly stated it is all in his head. Along with a couple of hints. Surely these cannot be ignored????
                          If you tell me the moments you're thinking off I will give you my reasons for why I don't belive they are there to make you think it is in his head.


                            The most obvious - he goes to a company that sells you fake memories and buys a package that explicitly states exactly what happens for the rest of the film.


                              Originally posted by Stoppy2000 View Post
                              The most obvious - he goes to a company that sells you fake memories and buys a package that explicitly states exactly what happens for the rest of the film.
                              This is a fairly common action movie plot device, where a normal guy dreams about being a hero manages to live his dreams. Total Recall has a very typical and cliched plot, where a nobody saves the day. You can read into it, but then you might as well think all movies where someone dreams of becoming somthing and actually does is really a dream. Rocky vs Applo Creed?, nah, never happened, it was all in his head.

                              Without the film ever actually showing us some kind of visual hints that it isn't really happening there's no reason for the auidence to question what they are seeing, unless they want to question it of course.

