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Star Wars Episode 7

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    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    This movie completely shuts the coffin on any idea that the prequels just couldn't live up to nostalgia. They never had to. They're just bad movies.
    Not really imo . The prequels didn't feature the old cast of characters and the old actors, the same spaceships desgins and all that, that was always going to go against the prequels imo . Yes they're not great movies, but this new movie is also helped a great deal but the fact that it features the same old characters we now and love the exact same spaceship desgins (and in many cases is just a remake of the 1977 classic). Which in most other cases would be laughable to think that after 30 years of time passing ,no serious advancements had been made to the X-Wing or Tie Fighters desgins, never mind a half decent tractor beam to lock on a rogue Tie fighter


      No, they're just stinkers. Worse actually, because the prequels make the original movies worse. But now that you mention it, visual design is one of two places I reckon they excelled (the other being music). The prequel ship design was instantly iconic. You'd recognise the new ships after a single watch. Whereas I reckon most would struggle to identify any new ship from the new movie that wasn't based on a classic ship.

      But I'd rather have it this way - a movie with heart and enjoyable characters that adds to Star Wars rather than detracts. That trumps ship design for me.

      Originally posted by kryss View Post
      There was a guy who tried to sue over that, which I think is the story you read. Turns out he was wrong and dropped the suit.
      Ah, didn't know that.


        But now that you mention it, visual design is one of two places I reckon they excelled (the other being music). The prequel ship design was instantly iconic. You'd recognise the new ships after a single watch
        They looked nothing like the classic ships at all and that was part of the trouble for me , along with the terrible art design.

        a movie with heart and enjoyable characters that adds to Star Wars rather than
        Yeah I like it too, but its little more than a clever remake and retelling of an old story . Much like John Carpenter clever remake of The thing


          Both the X-Wing and TIE Fighter designs have changed slightly, but not massively. For the X-Wing, the thrusters are now mounted at the back instead of each S-foil. For the ordinary TIE Fighter, looks like it's now two man if required, I don't believe they were in the OT.
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Yes, they've modified all of the ship designs. The X-Wings have just one complete circle on each wing rather than two, are sharper and different coloured and there could be more changes too. The Millennium Falcon obviously has the new dish and the top gun section also seems different. But classic ships aside, they didn't seem to contribute much by way of new iconic ships. Kylo Ren had a thing with the wings like an imperial shuttle that I'd struggle to draw and there was the boxy smuggler ship thing. All I remember is that it was boxy.

            Like I say, I'd far rather have it this way. It's just something I noticed.


              Both the X-Wing and TIE Fighter designs have changed slightly, but not massively. For the X-Wing, the thrusters are now mounted at the back instead of each S-foil. For the ordinary TIE Fighter, looks like it's now two man if required, I don't believe they were in the OT.
              That's it , that's all they did in 30 years .

              The prequel ship design was instantly iconic. You'd recognise the new ships after a single watch. Whereas I reckon most would struggle to identify any new ship from the new movie that
              Huh ?


                Any NEW ship.


                  Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                  Any NEW ship.
                  Which ships from the newer films looks closer to the classic 1977 Star Wars ?

                  Top or Bottom ? .


                    Are you deliberately missing my point or is that entirely unintentional?


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      Are you deliberately missing my point or is that entirely unintentional?
                      Are you to mine ?. Given that Force Awakens features the same old classic space ships designs as one can clearly see , even down to having the Millennium Falcon in the film . I think it was always going to gain more favour with the fans and that's with out having fan fav characters like Han Solo in too.


                        That's fine. So it contributes nothing new in that regard.


                          Come on guys, stay on target!


                            I did wonder, why no other TIE designs in TFA, not even the TIE Interceptor, although the Interceptors don't work that well in atmosphere (iirc) and even the standard TIE model has to be modified to properly work (the Obsidian TIEs you see in Empire chasing the Falcon from Cloud City are such examples). Maybe we'll get other TIE designs in the next two films.
                            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                              I wonder if the TIE Defender is considered non-canon now? I guess the Eclipse-class SSD is also. The Z95 Headhunter is what I think the new X-wings are based on, as those didn't have moving S-foils just fixed wings.


                                The new X-wings don't have fixed wings. They work just like the classic X-wing. But I don't know your references here so I could be missing what you mean.

