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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Jason Becker: Not dead yet. Quite an amazing story of an incredibly talented young guy struck down by ALS in his prime, but has gone on to live a life where he can still make music via technology and the support of his wonderful family. I was really quite touched by it.


      Enders Game

      Difficult one this .. There are some plus points to the film (the acting, mainly from Ford and the kids), however there is way too much going on, most of which never gets resolved. The 'twist' (if that's what you want to call it) was obvious a mile off, even if the outcome of Enders 'game' wasn't.

      Personally for me (and haven't read the book), it could have been better if it were even more grim, more of a social commentary about how children are expected to be adults for quicker these days, and there is no such thing as innocence. I would have much preferred it if it pulled even more punches. You get the impression the film maker wanted to go 'over the line' of what might actually be accetpable but in the end bottled it. And its only really saved by the performances which were good and the special effects.

      Would have made a great video game thats for sure.

      A solid 3 / 5.


        All Monsters Attack-Godzillas Revenge
        Sweet jesus, def hadn't seen this 60's entry before. Dunno what the fans view is but it was awful. Godzilla during his Seal-Pup Eyed era making him look like the Chewitts Monster. No attempt to make him move like a monster either, too literally a man in a suit. Very kids toned too, expected Herbie to drive by any minute.

        Friday the 13th: Part 2
        Pretty bad follow up. The filmmakers in the extras of these films are unashamed about making a Halloween rip-off but Part 2 is Part 1 in almost everyway. Almost the same characters, with similar looking/acting cast and samey events. Very cynical cash grab sequel.

        Friday the 13th: Part 3
        God help us we watched it in eye bleeding old school 3D too. Very similar copy again but bonus points for better looking totty and finally seeing the iconic mask.


          All Monsters Attack is pretty much considered a load of old toss by most fans. It's geared towards kids and uses a criminal amount of stock footage. A very weak entry.


            Thank god, it's not just me then

            Can't remember my next one but I'm circa mid 70's next I think


              Vs Hedorah I think, if you're watching in order. If not, then the series took a hiatus in 1975 with Terror of MechaGodzilla.


                In Friday the 13th part 3 isn't still not quite the iconic mask just yet

                It needs an axe mark and that's in part 4 or 5

                Watched 3 days to kill
                I enjoyed this, don't get me wrong it's not close to being luc besson's best film but it's light hearted and doesn't take itself seriously

                Kevin Costner is an aging CIA agent who after a mission is diagnosed with terminal cancer and pensioned from the CIA, he decides to rekindle his relationship with his daughter during his last days and it kinda kicks off from there, loads of action which luc does best and the couples name is mr and mrs Reno which must be a nod to Jean Reno

                Amber Heard is gorgeous throughout the entire movie


                  It'll be part 4 with the axe mark then I'm wagering given the wallop he just got in 3


                    The mask looks terrible when it's new, much better when it's had a bit of battle damage and looks used

                    Always felt the 'shatner' mask in Halloween had a much better effect but at the time jason was wearing a sack over his head

                    Corey Feldman and crispin glover in part 4 - serious B listers in horror movie shocker

                    Still my favourite out of all the 80's horror movies is the burning which starred fisher Stevens and holly hunter
                    Last edited by buster_broon; 26-05-2014, 10:16.


                      Yep, the axe event was in Part 3 and carried through the others, even one which had a whole new mask inexplicably. The damage in part 7 is amazing.

                      Must admit I enjoyed 2 a lot though. 3 tried far too hard to be 3D. 4 is a treat.


                        Summoning song, Statue beast, mystical monk, prophecy bearing songstress, classic bondesque villain. Must be...

                        Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla

                        Still during Godzillas doe eyed karate stage which brings it down and not keen on the mystical stuff but much better. It'd be fascinating to see how MechaG could ever fit into the new Hollywood franchise.


                        Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter

                        Actually feels like an effort was made. Best deaths so far and not just a straight up repeat, possibly my current fave.


                          Name me another film where a man in a wheel chair gets a machete to the face - probably isn't one

                          Pretty much taken on a plane, dumb action movie me and my missus though was pretty alright 7/10


                            Two not great films recently, The internship i like Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson but nothing could save this film, was interesting to see the Google campus but the whole thing came off like an hour and half advet for Google. the set up is the usual fish out of water comedy with Vaughn and Wilson supposedly knowing knowing about computers this didn't quite work as i was supposed to believe these two had never used a computer before, if you find two 40 year old men saying "on the line" a lot then you might enjoy this.

                            Next up we watched The Wolverine hmmm yeah it was ok in bits but very slow and pretty lacking in any other mutants, i was hoping for a wolverine vs Sabertooth type scenario instead we get generic yakuza fights and the girl form the Sony adverts with the weird looking head

                            seriously is her head CGI it doesn't look real.
                            Last edited by Lebowski; 27-05-2014, 09:21.


                              Which Friday the 13th has Jason impaling a skinny dipping teen on a harpoon as he climbs onto a jetty then pulling the trigger as he's silhouetted by the moon?

                              Such poignant cinematography.


                                I'm sure it's part 3 but dogg has watched them all recently and it's that kind fellow who gives him the hockey mask (and harpoon gun)
                                Last edited by buster_broon; 27-05-2014, 10:00.

