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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Just watched the Keanu Reeves The Day The Earth Stood Still. Early on I was thinking it's not as bad as people had said. But it is exactly as bad as people had said. I could have been playing Theatrhythm instead.


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      Just watched the Keanu Reeves The Day The Earth Stood Still. Early on I was thinking it's not as bad as people had said. But it is exactly as bad as people had said. I could have been playing Theatrhythm instead.
      His new one John Wick looks good. May go and see it in the cinema.


        John Wick looks wicked but its not coming out for ages here


          Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
          It was actually better than I expected. Kept it simple and light, brisk enough too. Turtles are much easier to follow than Transformers too.


            Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
            Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
            It was actually better than I expected. Kept it simple and light, brisk enough too. Turtles are much easier to follow than Transformers too.
            My missus and boy enjoyed this the other week. I remember watching Transformers at the cinema and couldn't make out what was going on until I got the HD-DVD version.

            Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is streaming on Netflix at the moment.


              Also saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this weekend (friends little boys 8th birthday that my son was invited to so i went along to help). I think they have taken a massive misstep with this being a 12a as the storyline and acting is like something out of an 80s cartoon. This is a kids film through and through, its a real check your brain at the door thing .

              Megan fox gets far to much screen time, it takes the whole transformers style angle of adding a human element and thinking this is more important than the actual films namesake. It feels like it takes an age for the turtles to actually show up in the film, so much so i actually wondered if I was in the right film. they should rename it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the many bad decisions of April o Neil

              If you have an 8 year old i would recommend it the level of violence is very cartoony theirs not really any bad language or sex or nudity, so I think the only reason its a 12A is the bbfc thought the fighting was too violent, regardless of the 12A rating the cinema was full of very young children.

              for 8+ turtles fans there's a lot here to like, but the storyline is garbage, i still kind of enjoyed it though strangely enough think it must be the turtle fan in me that loved the slow mo ass kicking , cool action scenes and brisk pace.
              Last edited by Lebowski; 20-10-2014, 08:28.


                Watched Hackers last night. It's so 90s and the visualisation of the computers and hacking is hilariously awful but I still love the movie. I think it's the most '90s movie there is.


                  Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                  Watched Hackers last night. It's so 90s and the visualisation of the computers and hacking is hilariously awful but I still love the movie. I think it's the most '90s movie there is.
                  Agree, one of my most hated things in the world is computer mainframe realisations in movies, but also re-watched this recently and enjoyed.


                    Hackers is classic. Prodigy soundtrack win too.


                      Yeah, the soundtrack is fantastic.


                        I detest the mrs brown boys tv show

                        So heard from people who like it that the movie was terrible

                        So after 20 minutes I turned it off, Fekkin terrible
                        Last edited by buster_broon; 21-10-2014, 08:51.


                          Why would you even put it on? On behalf of Ireland, I would like to apologise for that gob****e.


                            I like to think I've an open mind and will watch pretty much anything

                            It's pretty much the only film I've turned off


                              Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                              Agree, one of my most hated things in the world is computer mainframe realisations in movies, but also re-watched this recently and enjoyed.
                              I used to get annoyed at how dramatic films were about computer stuff - typing on the keyboard to zoom in and enhance photos, for example(admittedly, the keyboard clicking is cooler than mouse clicks) - but then I saw Kick Ass and thought, "iPhone GPS? Boooring!". I miss the old days when everything about computers was an enigma to the masses.


                                I saw

                                Kill The Messenger - quite good. Nothing special but good. Wish Rosemarie Dewitt got better roles. 7/10

                                Frontera - nice one Ed Harris. Atypical drama that successfully integrates Western aspects and in the final flourish of an end scene, totally becomes a modern Western. 9/10

                                Men, Women, and Children - watched this because it has Rosemarie Dewitt and Judy Greer, whom I love, and Jennifer Garner, whom I don't mind. Dewitt barely shows at all, garner's OK, Greer is her daughter's pimp WTF, a role so nasty I hated her, and I love Judy Greer.
                                I knew this would be a stupid film about privileged Americans and their stupid 'problems' but a lot worse than expected. 3/10
                                Last edited by usman; 23-10-2014, 05:49.

