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Tyler Perry

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    Tyler Perry

    So on netflix there are a few films with "Tyler Perry's..... " at the start. I started watching one (why did I get married. or something like that) but it was unwatchable nonsense and I assumed it was some relative of someone getting a break due to knowing someone. Googled him just now to find he's worth a fortune because "people" love this rubbish. It's rare I actually turn a film off but this was so bad there wasn't even any entertainment to be had from the badness.

    Anyone else aware of this phenomenon?

    Are you being racialist?


      I'm judging a man's worth based on 20 mins of cringeworthy film. If I'd made it, I would have put someone else's name on it....


        You know I'm jesting.

        When I was watching American TV, he'd stroll onto the bottom of the screen to plug his show.

        I found that most off-putting.


          Southpark ripped him a new bum hole. That's all I know.


            I'm currently on the loo and christ it must be sponsored by South Park.


              He's a blight on the world of film but thankfully he's been mostly contained to the US. One of those random ones to get lucky despite being no good. However, Oprah Winfrey loves him and that carries a lot of weight amongst people with poor taste.


                I read up a bit - there's the "OWN" - Oprah Winfrey Network She has her own TV channels? Anyway, his stuff divebombed on normal channels but is doing well on OWN (compared to other stuff on OWN).


                  He also played Alex Cross in the film that came out a few months back and was terrible in it. He's as bad an actor as he sounds a film maker.

                  I have never even attempted to watch the films he directed though, I don't appear to be the target audience.

