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Google Play Music - for mobile replaces... everything (iTunes, Spotify, Amazon)

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    Google Play Music - for mobile replaces... everything (iTunes, Spotify, Amazon)

    Can't find where I mentioned this before, so I've started a thread.

    I just uploaded all my FLAC music to Google Play Music (it converts to 320mp3 I think), so I can listen to it wherever. I have 400 albums and still only half way to the "start paying" point.

    There's an online shop if that's your thing (iTunes). There is an "All Access" payment service (Spotify). There are "instant mixes" which are like iTunes Genius and they pick some great stuff from my collection. Playlists are all stored.

    Navigation is super simple on both mobile and PC.

    I can see further integration in future between the shop and your own music. I like where they are going with this.
    Sharing is possible, although social could do with a bit of an upgrade e.g. more +1 integration.
    Last edited by charlesr; 01-10-2013, 09:06.

    I'm considering doing this with my Galaxy S2 after Chloe dropped my iPod Touch in the bath last night

    I'll be upgrading my S2 to a HTC one this weekend so the S2 will be redundant to just be a music/game device which means I can pop a micro SD in there & pump absolutely everything I own onto it in FLAC & away I go.

    Glad to hear you are getting on with it.



      I've got 212GB of FLAC, so it'll be a couple of years before I can pack the whole lot on to a microSD card I think.....


        Unless I'm listening at home or at the office flac is overkill so I have flac and mp3 versions of everything. Mp3s go on the 120 gig ipod. Cloud is pointless for me. I do use music unlimited to check out new music though.


          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
          I've got 212GB of FLAC, so it'll be a couple of years before I can pack the whole lot on to a microSD card I think.....

          I don't have anywhere near that much these days...everything is currently in MP3 but once I start switching over to the S2 I'll start re-doing the lot in FLAC.
          It will only be used at home, I don't travel far enough to listen to anything on my way to work anymore so music these days is a purely in doors thing.

          I reckon most of the collection that I actually want on the S2 will fit on a micro SD.
          I have a lot of crap that I haven't listened to in years so I'll start culling what goes on when I get round to it.


