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    Saw this this afternoon in 3D.

    I knew the reviews were good, with jonathan ross raving about it(as he does) when sandra bullock was on his show, but it is genuinely mind blowing stuff.

    Wont talk about the story because its fairly straightforward, the real genius of this film is in the feeling is gives you while watching...never has a film instilled the feeling of being in space as much as this, the fear, the isolation, the hopelessness, the beauty.

    Go watch asap.

    The wife and I are seeing this on Saturday. Didn't like the trailer... however have suddenly got quite intrigued by this. Will share my thoughts :-)
    ----Member since April 2002


      Tickets booked for Sunday at the IMAX! Can't wait!

      It's going to be... out of this world!


        Saw it last night, stunning film. Would happily watch it again right now, never been a fan of 3D, but seeing it on IMAX was an amazing experience.


          Can't really add much to what has been said so I'll just take what my good friend said to me when we did our podcast afterwards. He found it to be the best film he's seen this year whilst we agreed that it was a great experience as well as a quality film. Some of the shots were amazing to see, a fantastic production of a film by Alfonso Cuaron and his team.

          Those of you going to see it on IMAX are even luckier. Enjoy it.


            Saw it last night. A great end to the Speed trilogy.


              I had zero hopes for this at first. Saw the trailer and thought 'meh' - looks like it is trying way too hard.

              Saw another trailer last week and thought: 'still looks like ****e'

              But the wife and I needed a film to watch this weekend. And I love space. So...despite hating the trailers I let my love for space take hold and we booked our tickets. I then read a review that put a heavy spin on my expectations. I then noticed that rottentomatoes percentage and thought, bloody hell, maybe this aint so ****e... and then I stopped looking because I didn't want to taint my expectations, which, were, to be frank, non-existent.

              ....After the film I came out amazed.

              Beautiful. Intense. Stunning. Outstanding soundtrack.

              Definitely do not want to watch again, but will always remember it. Amazing 3d too - clean, crisp, not blurry or distracting at all. Mostly subtle.

              I left the cinema amazed. Felt like an experience, more than a film.
              ----Member since April 2002



                Just got back from seeing this at the IMAX.

                I don't want to overhype it as a film rarely meets expectations when everyone rates it.

                I'll just say it's well worth going to see and preferably at an IMAX.

                Further thoughts for those who've seen it too:

                [hide]Film of the year.

                I'm knackered! What a ride. I was amazed, in awe, terrified, holding my breath, laughing and a whole load of different emotions.

                It was a simplistic story, but so were The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno and they're still classics.

                The 3D was faultless, but I think IMAX is active lenses? I actually flinched several times as space debris hit the screen.

                The trademark Cuar?n long take was cleverly done and felt subjective rather than intrusive.

                I really don't know where the actors stopped and the CGI started. Credit to British company, Framestore.

                Finally, bonus points for giant 3D Bullock arse. Quite the aesthetic treat.


                  This was excellent, it looked a dream and for the first time I can say with no reservations that the 3D was superb.


                    Went and watched it in the IMAX in Berlin's Sony Center . Except for the thought of being surrounded by Sony I quite enjoyed the film.

                    3D was very easy on the eye and the sound was excellent. I was amazed by the CG.
                    I pretty much left the film traumatised , it doesn't let you relaxing until the very moment the credits roll.

                    I personally don't think it's the classic that many have suggested it is, but it's certainly one to go watch on the biggest screen in 3D that you can. The experience won't be the same at home.

                    Was anybody expecting

                    a shark to eat her right at the end?


                      No, I was expecting

                      [HIDE] the camera to pan across to show her being watched by Evolved monkeys on horseback and a ruined Statue of Liberty [/hide].

                      It's a very disposable film, but the experience is an exhilarating one.



                        Perhaps a sequel direct by Ang Lee where she has to fend off a tiger for 2 hours?


                          I thought it was a fantastic film on 2 levels. One is the literal story about trying to get home and the other parallel, symbolic story about loss and coming to terms with loss.

                          After hating 3D with all my heart this film is a better experience because of it. Never thought I would say that....


                            There's also a rebirth metaphor in there too (spoilers in the link):


                              OMG I just saw this and came to post about the exact same thing that EvilBoris already did - I was totally waiting for a

                              shark to come out of the water at the end.

                              What a stressful movie. It was relentless. It did hark back to the disaster movies of old and part of my cynical mind feels like the writers played a game of 'okay, and now what can go wrong?' but it's just so effective and does it all so well. It grabbed me right at the start and just didn't let go. Loved the first person stuff. Not since the wonder that was Urban in Doom have I seen that used so effectively. Honestly surprised we don't see it more often and it was fantastic here.

                              The cinema was full of audible gasps and everyone left in almost silence, like they were exhausted.

                              Loved it. I need a rest now but loved it. Feel like I have been in space for a couple of hours.

