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Can anyone name these films?

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    Can anyone name these films?

    In the same spirit as the Retro thread...

    Couple of different films (or may have been TV progs) I saw as a child:

    1. A kind of farce or comedy, filmed in black and white. The main character is a guy in a big, bushy (fake) black beard with big, black afro and big, black glasses. The main character is taller than the others. As the film goes on I seem to recall more characters beginning to resemble the main character (putting on fake beards, hair and glasses), and he seems to be trying to run away or avoid responsibility for something. A few years ago I asked someone about this and they said they thought it was Spike Milligan, but I can't seem to find anything similar by searching. The film reminds me slightly of the three stooges – may have been slapstick. We had it on VHS, I think.

    2. An animation I once saw on TV. It featured two blue heroes – one small and smart and another tall, muscular and dim. They were exploring a forest and a castle. In the castle they rescue two damsels in distress. I acutely remember a sense of disappointment as the main characters switched their girlfriends (the two damsels). At the beginning one of them is paired with the blonde damsel and the other with the brunette, but they later switch partners.

    Anyone recognise these vague descriptions? Feel free to ask your own!
    Last edited by egparadigm; 01-01-2014, 15:15.

    I don't recognize either, sorry, but I do have one of my own.

    It's an 80s cheapo action movie (could be straight to video, I saw it at my friends house when I was little) and I always thought it was one of the American Ninja series, but I watched all of those recently and the sequence I remember wasn't in any of them.

    Started with a man throwing a baby into the local pond to see if it would swim (Spartan style survival of the fittest) which I think was the birth of the hero... I also have memories of the adult ninja climbing up the outside of a skyscraper. Which may have been glass, or maybe my memory is embellishing the details.

