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South Park

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    South Park has always been very hit and miss for me. For every great episode there are two poor ones.


      Muff Cabbage


        I've been really unimpressed with this current series. The NASCAR episode had two, laboured, jokes. The Coon and Friends ep was repeating old jokes and made out that BP is still a British company, when it's owned by 40% British shareholders, 39% American shareholders and 21% rest of the world, and American contractors and executives were to blame in the recent spill. Finally, the Inception spoof made fun of the convoluted plot, but everybody knew it was after seeing it. Worse of all is that they explained away Mr. Garrison's hoarding because he was sexually abused as a child. It wasn't a clever statement, just a throw-away 'joke'. A real let down compared to just how good it can be.


          I think it has averaged out about the same as most of the series. I agree that the Inception episode was pretty weak (apart from the guy doing background music) and the NASCAR was a one joke episode and the only poor Cartman/Butters epsiode yet. But there have been some great ones too: Sexual Healing, Crippled Summer, You Have No Friends, epicodes 200/201 and It Came From Jersey were all great.

          I was watching series 11 at the weekend, which starts with some really ropey episodes but then you get Imagination land for three episodes. I think possibly Season 8 is the only one where pretty much every episode is a corker.
          Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.



              lol was that parodying Totoro?


                It certainly sounds like it. lol.


                  South Park was jerking great today!


                    The first half of the episode was looking like the funniest South Park ever but it got a bit repetitive in the second half. Still a great episode though; I haven't laughed so much for ages.
                    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                      New series started up last night. Didnt think much of the first episode.


                        I think the episode was great.

                        Though in truth I actualy found the actual Human Centipede film even funnier than this episode. So maybe Im just sick.


                          I dunno, its good but coupled with the ipad thing was absurd, even for south park. Its not even like they are on the pulse with it - the ipad has been out for years!


                            HUMANCENTiPAD Lol


                              I honestly don't know how they get away with it sometimes, that first episode was insane, utterly, wonderfully insane.


                                This season has been hit and miss and I thought the 3 parter PS4, XBone, Black Friday, game of thrones with a little avatar was a little weak but last nights episode has some funny moments

                                Kanye west said some funny stuff 'man get the fu*k out of here you hobbit trivia b*tch
                                Last edited by buster_broon; 12-12-2013, 10:53.

