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Battlestar Galactica........

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    If the final five have

    been around for 2000 years, without ageing and without resurrecting, why don't they know this?


      Can someone give me a lowdown of the final 2 episodes of season 4 as i missed them, or somewhere i can watch them on the net.

      Much appreciated.


        Watched this last night. Jeez, this show really turned into Lost somewhere along the line (Season 3 I think). I hate Lost. It's just writers digging holes for themselves and fans theorising out their asses to get the writers out of the holes.

        And speaking of theorising out our asses, Red Hogg -

        the Chief did say he died at that spot he saw and Ellen looks like she would have been dead too so they must have resurrected. More than that, they must have grown because Tighe was a veteran and would have a military record. He can't have just shown up one day as an old drunk. That is, if there's any sense to the writing. Of which I have my doubts.

        That ep, like much of the first half of S4, gets a big ol' 'meh' from me.

        Oh and

        what the hell's with Adama deciding to up and leave the planet? I mean, it's still a planet, isn't it? Is he just going to keep travelling until he finds somewhere with decent catering already in place? Seemed to be damn all reason why they didn't stay on Caprica and now there seems to be no reason to leave Earth.


          They had to leave New Caprica to avoid being killed by the Cylons. And Earth has radiation in the water and soil so is uninhabitable.

          Does anyone know how many episodes are left in this series? There is a heck of a lot of stuff to wrap up here.

          Still I really enjoyed this episode and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.


            Originally posted by CMcK View Post

            They had to leave New Caprica to avoid being killed by the Cylons. And Earth has radiation in the water and soil so is uninhabitable.

            They went back to Caprica and both humans and Cylons were living there. The second the Cylons said they'll leave the humans alone (mmm...before the New Caprica bit I think), they should have done a U-turn and gone home. And then the Cylons were also looking for a home... so why not stay on Caprica? We know it wasn't uninhabitable. The whole search for Earth thing on both sides got pointless once the initial Cylon chase was dropped.


              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post

              They went back to Caprica and both humans and Cylons were living there. The second the Cylons said they'll leave the humans alone (mmm...before the New Caprica bit I think), they should have done a U-turn and gone home. And then the Cylons were also looking for a home... so why not stay on Caprica? We know it wasn't uninhabitable. The whole search for Earth thing on both sides got pointless once the initial Cylon chase was dropped.
              It was chock full of radition to from the nukes, remember them all having to take radition meds?


                Keep in mind that the truce with the cylons is only with Diana's group. Cavil's group (the vast majority) still occupy Caprica and will wipe the humans out onsight.


                  Yes, the current truce. But didn't Cavil say the humans were off the hook for no reason I can remember before the whole New Caprica thing? Was there a point to that? There must have been but I've forgotten. At that stage, I think there were both humans and Cylons running around Caprica, meds or no meds.


                    just got round to this, I too have a bad feeling thy are backing themselves into a corner that they either can't explain their way out of, or it will end up being totally spasticated

                    hope I'm wrong but this is feeling like lost to me, and i binned that at then end of series 1


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      Yes, the current truce. But didn't Cavil say the humans were off the hook for no reason I can remember before the whole New Caprica thing? Was there a point to that? There must have been but I've forgotten. At that stage, I think there were both humans and Cylons running around Caprica, meds or no meds.
                      I don't think there are any rebels left on Caprica now and when they were there, they certainly weren't at peace with the Cylons that occupied it. The question of what to do about the humans is what split the cylon into two factions. That hasn't been resolved yet.

                      Originally posted by merf View Post
                      just got round to this, I too have a bad feeling thy are backing themselves into a corner that they either can't explain their way out of, or it will end up being totally spasticated

                      hope I'm wrong but this is feeling like lost to me, and i binned that at then end of series 1
                      I feel somewhat the same. They only have nine episodes left to explain a hell of a lot of plotpoints. For me, explaination of the head visions will have to be cleared up. The show is a blend of sci-fi and mysticism and its the mystic bits that are too easy for the writers to gloss over.


                        Originally posted by merf View Post
                        just got round to this, I too have a bad feeling thy are backing themselves into a corner that they either can't explain their way out of, or it will end up being totally spasticated

                        hope I'm wrong but this is feeling like lost to me, and i binned that at then end of series 1
                        Yeh, I'm inclined to agree with you there merf.
                        Shame really.

                        Also, dunno if it's just me, but this 'aliens-who-look-like-us' thing is so 60s, a plot device dreamed up by TV and movie execs designed purely so save money on SFX. It has been done to death through the ages, culminating in Star Trek TNG etc where makeup guys worked overtime dreaming up as many bumps 'n' protusions as they could to fit on a human head thus making him 'alien'.
                        This is where the BSG producers went wrong from day one imo. They were quite capable of giving us a good ol' sci-fi drama without the 'twelve'.

                        BSG producers would likely counter that by telling us the twelve were the modern day equivalent of terrorists in our midst, maybe, but that's not the case now, they're swanning around as if they were guest stars on an episode of Dallas now.

                        Anyhoo I rofl when peeps like Odama in a bad mood points at a cylon and orders..'Get that THING out of my sight'. I wish some of his retinue would tell him 'It's just a bloke like us sir'.

                        Only one alien in human guise ever managed to convice me. Spock.


                          that said I enjoyed the episode for what it was, especially the loss of faith aspect.

                          quite interesting with all the discussion in the athiest thread at the moment, how would people react if the basis for a faith was imperically proven to be totally false ?

                          there is so much to commend in this that I'm willing it to end well.


                            What is the actual day of broadcast for this? It's been one week since ep. 11 appeared on the net but ep. 12 is nowhere to be seen

                            never mind, it's up now
                            Last edited by Darwock; 24-01-2009, 09:45.


                              God, what happeened to this show. Its turned into a megacrapfest. It started off spectacular as time went on it turned into a hard white piece of dog ****.


                                Eh, I still love it

