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Battlestar Galactica........

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    Well tonights episode was surprisingly in tone with the first two. And as such I was very impressed, space beards are the future!


      Pretty brutal imo

      making them shoot down a civilian ship (even though it appeared empty, and was targetting them with nukes). Not to mention the fact that the Cylons kept dropping in every 33 mins, so no one had slept for close to a week.


      It seemed more realistic to me, somehow, than the original series...


        They do the whole Thunderbirds this is whats going to happen this hour flash through sequence, the running cylons through the forest was shockingly well done too.


          Well, it's either great or it's a huge cop-out, depends on how the story develops and if they ever explain any of the things that are happening. At this early stage no doubt they are trying to keep us guessing, but I'll be mighty peeved if no answers are ever given.

          Particularly surrounding Gaius Baltar's incredible knack for making the right decisions to help everyone else when he's only trying to help himself - the whole 'god is watching out for you, wink wink' speech hinted at something.


            Originally posted by Vanicent
            It seemed more realistic to me, somehow, than the original series...
            LOL! Yeah, somehow.... I wonder if 'Andromeda' will make a cameo appearance playing any of their latest intergalactic hits. I can just imagine everyone picking up a string of coloured lights and poncing about in this new series!


              Aye, great stuff tbh. Looking forward to the rest of the series. I've changed my mind too -- while Adama is a great character, I think the lead is defo. the 'unhinged' Baltar. He's good, evil and a bit mad all at the same time.


                Originally posted by JibberX
                They do the whole Thunderbirds this is whats going to happen this hour flash through sequence, the running cylons through the forest was shockingly well done too.
                There was something about that I found creepy. The Cylons in the original series never ran after their targets, just walked towards them at their own pace (Borg style). Now, all of a sudden, they can give chase.

                The (mostly) down to the second accuracy of the Cylons was creepy too: every 33 minutes they appeared near the fleet and tried to attack. I can't help but wonder how they know where the fleet is all the time... Maybe that's one of those things we're left guessing about that Darwock mentioned.

                One thing I found pretty funny was Six's comment about Baltar's "multi-tasking". so it's nice to see a little humour in the series.


                  Well it took the human fleet exactly 33 minutes to prepare for the jump (they started prepping for the next one the moment they arrived and always jumped at the last second before the Cylons hit).

                  The Cylons presumably found out the new position from the Olympic Passenger, so they could then start prepping their own jump which would take the same amount of time as the humans - 33 minutes.


                    I don't think it took 33mins to prep, it took 33 mins for the cylons to track them down.... and Baltar totally rules, his camp, genius, aloof, insanity is very well done indeed. I liekthe way sometimes he skips out of his queens english and says something totally normal for a few words.


                      It *did* take 33 minutes to prepare though, why else would they leave it until the moment the missiles were about to hit? From what I picked up they did begin prepearations the moment they arrived. If they could jump off sooner then they surely would.

                      The one time the O.P. was late they were all stood around waiting for the 15 extra minutes...


                        There was something about that I found creepy. The Cylons in the original series never ran after their targets, just walked towards them at their own pace (Borg style). Now, all of a sudden, they can give chase.
                        I love the Cylons -- the cold, calculated nature of the emtionless machine was good in the original but now they're bigger, harder and meaner than before, mostly 'cos of the 'human' (read: Guy with tins things stuck to him) element being removed. Two moments from last night really stood out -- one were that fella caught the one blown up Cylon in its machine like state of coping with bits missing and the other where he got caught checking out a human model, with the proper Cylon stood behind him, perfectly still with nothing but that Cylon sound.

                        I miss the old "By your command", but the whole premise of the Cylons is far more menacing in the new series.


                          And while he was checking out Six (or one of her anyway) wondering who the hell she was, we become aware of the Centurion behind him becase of the humming noise it's eye makes as it moves back and forth.

                          Pretty creepy, but cool.


                            One of them definitely said "By your command" in the 2-parter


                              I've just realised something, the 1st videogame I ever played was a Battlestar Galactica handheld. Brown thing, battery compartment was taped on, the screen was like a digital clock, game was a space invaders clone showing cylon ships coming down the screen with your viper at the bottom. I think at some point in the early 80s it broke and would only play the tunes. Wow, weird flashback.


                                Originally posted by Darwock
                                One of them definitely said "By your command" in the 2-parter
                                That was one of the Number Six Cylons, after one of the other human models said: "Don't worry, we'll find them."

                                It was the very last line of the miniseries.
                                Last edited by Vanicent; 19-10-2004, 17:02.

