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Film of the Year 2014

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    Film of the Year 2014

    Voting is now open for your film nominations as to which movie you feel has been the best one released in 2014. With just over a fortnight of the year to go and some peeps no doubt still eager to catch up on missed films and the last one or two films to open in the next week, voting will be open for a while with the closing date for making your votes being:

    05 January 2015 at 9.00am

    As usual, the categories are:

    The Film of the Year 2014
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    Worst Film of the Year 2014
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    Most Anticipated Film of 2015
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -
    Three choices can be made per category however there is no particular order to how you list them so you needn't worry about ordering your top three's.

    Any notable films that have missed out, thoughts on the choices being made or views of the years releases as a whole? Feel free to share them!

    The results of this years voting will be announced shortly after the closing date.
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 12-12-2014, 17:41.

    The Film of the Year 2014
    01 - Boyhood
    02 - Guardians of the Galaxy
    03 - Under The Skin

    Worst Film of the Year 2014
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -

    Most Anticipated Film of 2015
    01 -
    02 -
    03 -


      The Film of the Year 2014
      01 - Interstellar
      02 - Guardians of the Galaxy
      03 - Song of the Sea (not 100% sure this qualifies as it is released weirdly...if not, then The Lego Movie or Boyhood)

      Most Anticipated Film of 2015
      01 - Furious 7
      02 - Mad Max Fury Road
      03 - Avengers Age of Ultron
      Also Spongebob and Peanuts.

      I didn't see a huge amount of movies, which is why I'm not doing a Worst list (didn't see any real stinkers) but from what I saw it was a good year. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was strong too. Winter Soldier. Grand Budapest Hotel. A lot of good ones.
      Last edited by Dogg Thang; 11-12-2014, 19:52.


        1 How to Train Your Dragon 2
        2 Guardians of the Galaxy
        3 LEGO Movie

        I've only seen these this year...


          The Film of the Year 2014
          01 - The Grand Budapest Hotel
          02 - The Raid 2
          03 - Interstellar

          Worst Film of the Year 2014
          01 - RoboCop
          02 - Sin City: A Dame To Kill For
          03 -

          Most Anticipated Film of 2015
          01 - Star Wars
          02 - The Hateful Eight (Tarantino)
          03 - Mad Max Fury Road


            The Film of the Year 2014
            01 - Interstellar
            02 - Guardians of the Galaxy
            03 - Nightcrawler

            Most Anticipated Film of 2015
            01 - Star Wars
            02 - F+F 7
            03 - Avengers: Age of Ultron


              The Film of the Year 2014
              01 - Fury
              02 - Interstellar
              03 - What we do in the Shadows


                The Film of the Year 2014
                01 - The Raid 2: Berandal
                02 - Guardians of the Galaxy
                03 - Godzilla

                Worst Film of the Year 2014
                01 - Bad Neighbours
                02 - 3 Days to Kill
                03 - Lucy

                Most Anticipated Film of 2015
                01 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
                02 - Tomorrowland
                03 - Kingsmen: The Secret Service

                The Film of the Year 2014
                It has to be The Raid 2: Berandal for me. It's the only film I've seen more than once at the cinema and it's the only film I've bought on home release - I even pre-ordered the Steelbook Blu-Ray! It followed succinctly on from the first film and moved the story on, but expanded it from the tower block confinement into a world of gangsters on a knife-edge of truce and corruption in the ranks. All of this would mean nothing if the action didn't deliver and every sequence was striving to better the previous one. It also had the best car chase in any film I've seen for ages, let alone 2014. In a summer full of blockbusters completely reliant on CGI, it was nice to see a film that strived for practical effects wherever possible.

                Runners up were trickier, because it's been a solid year for films and I went to the cinema quite a lot for me. I'm plumping for Guardians of the Galaxy in second place as it was a whole lot of fun and I laughed heartily at several points. I'm loving how the Marvel movie jigsaw is starting to take shape.

                Third was Godzilla. Seeing this at the iSense was a real experience and I loved the spooky scenes of abandoned cities before leading up to the final battle royale.

                It was really hard to choose as there's been so many solid films, so here's my list of other films I saw (in date order) and enjoyed from 2014, if you're interested.
                RoboCop - Far better than it should have been and worth a watch.
                Her - Engaging performances from the two leads and an interesting tale.
                The LEGO Movie - Everything is AWESOME! Great fun, lots of laughs and a surprisingly deep look at reality!
                Under the Skin - As confusing and slow as much as it is intriguing and mesmerising. Completely unique.
                The Machine - Very low budget sci-fi film about artificial intelligence, but some interesting themes.
                Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Another sterling Marvel output. I prefer Cap's grounded story to Thor's mythology.
                The Last Days on Mars - Another low budget sci-fi, but it had me gripped throughout.
                The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Fun but forgettable romp, but the 3D is up there with Dredd & Avatar. V inventive shots.
                X-Men: Days of Future Past - Quicksilver's kitchen scene was great and the whole film was good fun.
                Edge of Tomorrow - Great idea and improves on the ramblings of the book. Watching Cruise's snivelling worm evolve into a military badass was excellently paced and surprisingly funny.
                The Art of the Steal - surprisingly watchable crime yarn with Snake Plissken.
                The Purge: Anarchy - Great extension of the original film that swaps siege drama for chase thriller.
                The Inbetweeners 2 - More of the same, but still funny. Painful to watch, but the water park bit was great.
                Interstellar - Nearly made my top three, but I felt underwhelmed with the ending, unprofessional "love" speech when the fate of mankind hangs in the balance and the slapdash nature of the mission! I actually think I prefer the elements of the Spielberg story that were dropped for this. It's a shame because the build up and exploration parts were brilliant - especially on the IMAX.

                Worst Film of the Year 2014
                Bad Neighbours wasn't very funny and unrealistically escalated in typical farce manner. I also found it annoying that the parents were happy to spend time in the house next door, drinking and getting high whilst their daughter slept unattended. I know it's a comedy, but it stopped me rooting for either side.

                3 Days To Kill didn't know what it wanted to be. Action thriller, romantic story or sentimental tale of a family trying to bond after years apart. This mish-mash of ideas prevented any area being particularly strong.

                I only listed Lucy as, although it's not a bad film and is a snappy watch, I felt it added very little to the trailer other than a nonsensical ending. A real disappointment seeing as it was Luc Besson back in the Director's seat.

                I didn't see everything that I wanted to and, more for my future reference, here are most of the films from this year I would also like to see:
                [hide]12 Years a SlaveBounty Killer
                The Wolf of Wall Street
                The Zero Theorem
                Starred Up
                The Double
                Blue Ruin
                Brick Mansions
                A Million Ways to Die in the West
                22 Jump Street
                Cheap Thrills
                The Fault in our Stars
                How to Train Your Dragon 2
                Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
                Wolf Cop
                Sin City
                Let's Be Cops
                As Above, So Below
                Sex Tape
                The Guest
                A Most Wanted Man
                The Giver
                The Equalizer
                Filmed in Supermarionation
                The Maze Runner
                Ninja Turtles
                The Grandmaster
                Dumb and Dumber To
                The Imitation Game
                Black Sea
                Gone Girl
                All the Hobbit films
                All the Hunger Games films
                Big Hero 6

                Most Anticipated Film of 2015
                Some real big hitters next year, especially the new Star Wars and Jurassic Park films, but I've never been big on SW - it was Transformers and He-Man for me as I grew up. So I've tried to list others.

                Although it'll also be a cinematic juggernaut, I couldn't leave Avengers 2 off the list. Ultron is pretty intimidating even in the trailer, but I have concerns that they'll spend a lot of screen time with the Avengers fighting with each other (again) and then falling out in preparation for Civil War after only two films. Why can't we all just get along?

                Tomorrowland looks interesting and is one of the few films that's not a sequel/remake/reboot. I've enjoyed most of Brad Bird's output as a director including The Incredibles, M:I - Ghost Protocol and Do The Bartman. The teaser was really intriguing.

                I loved The Secret Service comic and hope the film is just as good. If they stay faithful to it, there could be the cameo of the year in it...

                Special mention to John Wick which came out everywhere in the world apart from the UK in 2014 for some reason. Keanu Reeves looks totally nails as an ex-mob hitman punishing every mofo who stands in his way with brutally efficient takedowns. I also think Keanu is a pretty awesome human being.

                Ant-Man - Will it suck without Edgar Wright at the helm?
                Terminator: Genisys - Fun trailer that I hope boosts the first two films not undermines them.
                Spectre - More Bond, yay! The reboot has been good so far, but I hope the action avoids shakycam.
                Jurassic World - This could be a corker if the story balances thrills with dino action.
                Mad Max: Fury Road - Looks like it could be a 2-hour chase movie, which suits me!
                Jupiter Ascending - I hope the Wachowskis create another movie universe that enthralls as much The Matrix. I still believe!
                Ted 2 - Could be great, but A Million Ways... sunk pretty quick and Family Guy is really tired now. C'mon Seth, you can do it!
                Furious 7 - Probably need to see 5 and 6 before this comes out! I'm curiously how they handle Walker's exit.
                Inside Out - Pixar! Yay! I'm worried the conflict will clash with the conflict, but Pixar are endlessly inventive.
                The Last Dinosaur - Pixar! Yay! Could be a corker too.
                Chappie - Lighter in tone from Elysium, so I look forward to seeing how this pans out.
                The Revenant - This thriller's getting a lot of interest. Could be good.
                MI:5 - Like Cruise and Ghost Protocol, so hope this continues the vibe.
                The Hateful 8 - Not seen Tarrantino's last few films, so I need to get back on board.
                The Minions Movie - Might make this my first film I go to the cinema with my son with as he's Minion mad!
                Pixels - Video game experts are recruited by the military to fight 1980s-era video game characters who've attacked New York.
                The Martian - Matt Damon as Robinson Crusoe on Mars could be interesting.
                The Interview - Will North Korea assassinate Seth Rogen for this impudent outrage?!

                Obviously, everything above is In My Humble Opinion and one man's yuck is another man's yum.

                I'm also hoping Dumb and Dumber To, which comes out on the 19th, is amazing!



                  The Film of the Year 2013
                  01 - The Tale of Princess Kaguya
                  02 - Under the Skin
                  03 - The Wind Rises

                  Worst Film of the Year 2013
                  01 - The Grand Budapest Hotel
                  02 -
                  03 -

                  Most Anticipated Film of 2014
                  01 - Evangelion 4
                  02 - The World of Kanako
                  03 -

                  Didn't really see a lot of stuff this year, hence The Grand Budapest being in the top worst spot.


                    I can't even be arsed with this, I was hoping for some inspiration from you guys but most films this year have been average at best, probably interstellar gets top spot for me. I saw 12 years a slave only recently but that's obviously last year but nothing has come near that level this year IMHO /oldgitmode


                      For myself, this year hasn't been a very strong one movie wise. My cinema going has tailed off a lot and early next year is much the same. Picks up after that though thankfully. I want to wait till I've seen Hobbit though I'm not expecting it to get on the list for me. My top choices are very much in the 'entertaining' vein this year rather than award winners or some such by the looks
                      Last edited by Neon Ignition; 12-12-2014, 17:14.


                        The Film of the Year 2014
                        01 - the hobbit the battle of the five armies
                        02 - fury
                        03 - edge of tomorrow

                        Worst Film of the Year / most disappointing 2014
                        01 - the amazing Spider-Man 2
                        02 - under the skin
                        03 - Lucy

                        Most Anticipated Film of 2015
                        01 - kingsman
                        02 - big hero 6
                        03 - star wars episode 7 (I am taking my children to see this)

                        Will update as I think about it

                        Haven't seen interstellar yet but will catch it soon and the winter soldier is just outside but demo in my top 5

                        I've changed the worst to also include most disappointing as even though Lucy wasn't mince I just expected heaps more

                        I'm sure there are worse movies released this year but I haven't saw them (tyrannosaurus Rex or airplane vs volcano)
                        Last edited by buster_broon; 22-12-2014, 20:44.


                          You've also copy and pasted last years lists old bean as I think you are a year out on all 3 categories


                            Doh! That's what I get for setting this up by phone, missed that Fixed!


                              I've only seen The Lego Movie. It was quite good after a few watches.

