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Films You Have Watched This Week: With a Vengeance

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    Just watched Trumbo and I think Bryan Cranston has a chance of stealing the Oscar from Leo


      The Lion King 4: The Lion Guard

      Not really a film, more a half length lead in to the kid show so I'd throw it some leeway. On the other hand, it's passable at times and embarrassing at others. The characters returning from Lion King 1 and 2 are pretty much the same (though Zazu is absent) but the new additions are terrible. Animation is solid some times and shockingly low budget at others even for TV standards. The storyline is loosely modelled on LK1 and 2 again but this time the new addition to Simba's family discovers *deep breath* that he has a magic roar... and that Scar also had the same magic roar *sigh*... until he lost it killing four other male lions in an event that LK1 & 2 never alluded to in his attempt to defeat Mufasa. The new cub uses his ... magic roar... to defeat some hyena's and to take on his new mantle as the head of the Lion Guard, a team who all have no real defensive skills but do have fancy tattoo's that appear... by... magic.

      Sweet jesus, Disney...


        Watched the wonderful Samsara again a couple of nights ago - a tale about a young monk who abandons his Buddhist practise and his monastic life in order to chase down and satisfy his desires. It's a beautiful movie full of gorgeous scenery.


          Watched Dead Snow last night. I had never seen it. A lot of fun and some great moments. The scenery was gorgeous. I'll have to seek out the sequel now.


            Saw Deadpool free courtesy of Fox.

            Disliked it more than liked it.

            Broke the fourth wall too much. Got tiresome.

            Glad I didn't pay for it.


              The Good Dinosaur, really enjoyed it.


                Caught the cineworld unlimited showing of Grimsby this evening

                In essence it's a poor film, loads of jokes but there isn't a happy medium, they are either poor or hilarious

                bukakke elephant party had me in stitches

                I don't mind sacha's movies but this is one of the poorer ones, most of the good stuff is in the trailer and lots of the trailer isn't in the movie so expect an extended blu Ray cut

                Shame really as I was looking forward to it


                  Deadpool - loved it!

                  Steve Jobs - loved it!

                  The Martian - enjoyed it, but not in the same class as Interstellar in my book.

                  Legend (2015) - loved it!

                  Gangster Squad - missed this back in the day, so caught up. It's OK, but bit disappointing considering the stellar cast...

                  Zoolander 2 - oh dear 😕


                    Deadpool. Loved it.


                      The green inferno - hostel in the jungle; briliant!



                        "Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically-predictable element. The Gun Kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents, while keeping the defender clear of the statistically-traditional trajectories of return fire."


                          Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny

                          Couldn't see a Chinese option (despite Netflix claiming there is one) so I had to English. It was a slightly above average affair, and true to the original from what I can remember. Worth a watch.


                            Seemed to get a kicking from my Kung Fu loving friends and anyone on Martial Arts films Facebook groups I follow. Disappointing.


                              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                              Seemed to get a kicking from my Kung Fu loving friends and anyone on Martial Arts films Facebook groups I follow. Disappointing.
                              I assume you must have seen Kung Fury?
                              That was a nice treat to find on Netflix one day!


                                Yeah baby! I'm a Kickstarter funder!
                                Still waiting for my Blu-Ray copy though. :/

