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The Marvel Cinematic Multiverse

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    My guess is that a massive amount of management jobs will end up replaced too. It will take a while but my speculation is that almost any thinky jobs are at risk of replacement now. Safe jobs are ones where you work with your hands: electrician, dog groomer, pizza chef and that sort of thing. Replaceable eventually, sure. But the cost of hardware is prohibitive. Any thinky job is just software, and software that can learn and teach itself.


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      My guess is that a massive amount of management jobs will end up replaced too. It will take a while but my speculation is that almost any thinky jobs are at risk of replacement now. Safe jobs are ones where you work with your hands: electrician, dog groomer, pizza chef and that sort of thing. Replaceable eventually, sure. But the cost of hardware is prohibitive. Any thinky job is just software, and software that can learn and teach itself.
      I'm trying to be optimistic.

      Part of me feels like AI's the new hotness, but its ability to produce a lot of content, fast, is going to be an achilles heel.

      Because even right now, if you go on Amazon, there are a hundred books coming out in a hundred genres every hour. There are countless graphic novels being published online every day, a hundred new games hit Steam each week, five thousand new "games" hit the Google Play Store every month. But rarely are any of those worth anyone's time.

      In a sense, we already have an engine which churns out far more content than people can consume; but content that people actually give a **** about, that's a different kettle of fish.


        Trades will be fine for a very long time. Manufacturing mostly as well, massive manufacturing has already gone semi auto, but i don’t think even manufacturing will go full auto for a very very long time, it always requires human intervention at some stage to sort little problems, fix, improve.

        The planet can do with LOT les management to be honest anyway, far too many people these days sitting around in pointless meetings waffling about nonsense that means nothing.


          Literally, an industry that owes everything - everything - to the creativity of writers and artists has removed them from the equasion.

          Really frustrating because I want to watch this, but how the hell do you fight back against it?


            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
            Really frustrating because I want to watch this, but how the hell do you fight back against it?
            Not convinced you can. I've started to soften in my old age.

            I get some stick, even on here, for sticking to my guns on certain things, but I used to really believe in voting-with-your-wallet. I didn't buy Oblivion's Horse Armor. Didn't buy Diablo 3 as it was always online. Don't buy EA Sports titles due to their predatory monetisation. Didn't buy the PS4 Ratchet & Clank because it wasn't 60fps (actually, that was more because the game director did an interview where he literally said no-one would care; I might've let it slide otherwise). There are literally dozens of videogames and developers from whom I will never buy certain games or franchises, because voting with my wallet is the only real protest I can make.

            But what happened? Games are rife with DLC. Ultimate Team is bigger than ever. Diablo 4 is online-only and is one of the biggest games of the year. Ratchet... Actually that did go back to 60fps so I guess it's not so simple But the point is that despite being discerning (some will say obstinate), generally, it's not like it's made any difference, and I've missed out on some games etc. that people around me are enjoying.

            Point is I don't know if, as an individual, you can really hope to influence things.


              So what you’re saying is we should burn everything to the ground? I’m in.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                So what you’re saying is we should burn everything to the ground? I’m in.
                I'll get the matches


                  Second lowest viewing figures for any MCU Disney+ series. If you factor in the steep competition Ms Marvel launched against versus the free reign this had it's arguably the worst debut


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                    Really frustrating because I want to watch this, but how the hell do you fight back against it?
                    The fight back against it is not going to come form the public but the creatives, To get an Ai to copy a style they have provided it with reams and reams of copyrighted material so it can generate its own art. These AI's are built on the backs of creatives and wouldn't exist without them, so why should it just profit from them without paying for the privilege.


                      Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                      The fight back against it is not going to come form the public but the creatives, To get an Ai to copy a style they have provided it with reams and reams of copyrighted material so it can generate its own art. These AI's are built on the backs of creatives and wouldn't exist without them, so why should it just profit from them without paying for the privilege.
                      Adobe is trying to fix that with their model, which uses imagery from Adobe Stock, and pays the owner of the images when they're used in AI generation.

                      The only potential issue with this is "the Spotify Problem", where the terms are so generous and people use so much while paying so little, that even very "successful" artists won't earn anything resembling a wage. Musicians fix this by using Spotify as a form of advertising that fuels their concert and merchandise purchases, but that might not work for artists.


                        Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                        To get an Ai to copy a style they have provided it with reams and reams of copyrighted material so it can generate its own art.
                        They have already been provided with masses of material to learn from and artists haven’t made a thing. I feel like the genie is out of the bottle there and artists aren’t going to be able to put it back in. Style is not copyrightable under current systems so it will be next to impossible to prove if AI ripped off your work.


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          They have already been provided with masses of material to learn from and artists haven’t made a thing. I feel like the genie is out of the bottle there and artists aren’t going to be able to put it back in. Style is not copyrightable under current systems so it will be next to impossible to prove if AI ripped off your work.
                          The genie is out of the bottle yes but for these AI's to work they have to have mountains of copyrighted material in there databases to learn from, This only becomes a problem when you start making money from Ai's, the rights holders have every right to ask for their work to be removed at that point as it becomes a situation where imagery is being used for financial gain without the right holders permission.

                          Im super torn myself i can see the benefits of these AI systems that help creatives though, theirs lots of new tools in Photoshop that save me having to mess about with things that would have taken me ages in the past, i could argue that its reducing the skill level required to do my job but if anything it gives me more time to focus on the layout and look and less time on individual image correction.


                            Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                            This only becomes a problem when you start making money from Ai's
                            I actually disagree with this. Money is a resource, but so is human attention. People's eyeballs can ony be exposed to so much each day.

                            Every AI-generated image doing the rounds on social media is likely taking up the space that would, if it didn't exist, be filled with the work of creatives, many of whom are dependent on that attention to survive. People joke about Twitter etc. but those services are a real lifeline to many different indies, and the only way to "get their work out there".

                            AI "art" gulped down all the air from that room, which prevented some of those indies from reaching their audience.


                              Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                              The genie is out of the bottle yes but for these AI's to work they have to have mountains of copyrighted material in there databases to learn from, This only becomes a problem when you start making money from Ai's, the rights holders have every right to ask for their work to be removed at that point as it becomes a situation where imagery is being used for financial gain without the right holders permission.
                              Saying what you have every right to do and actually what’s possible and what battles you would win are very different things. Like I say, as of right now you cannot copyright a style. There is no legal protection over your style. So proving AI stole your work and used that specifically to output a particular piece would be next to impossible to prove and even harder to win. AI already has the mountains of copyrighted work.


                                Generally speaking I think people kicking off about AI are a bit King Canute.

                                The technology is here and it's going to be used.

                                It's in the process of radically reshaping the industry I work in (marketing) and I just have to deal with it. One of the core things that I do, one of my most sellable skills, is my copywriting. That's one of the main bloody things AI does.

                                It is what it is at the end of the day. Just have to try and work with it as much as you can. I've been trying to integrate ChatGPT and Bing into my work as much as possible because otherwise I'm just going to be left behind.

                                Speaking for myself I can't be arsed boycotting stuff or 'voting with my wallet'. I used to do it. Chinese restaurant near me messed up my order once and were really rude about it. I didn't order from them for like three years. You know who I hurt? Me. Because their egg fried rice is ****ing great. And then I started ordering from them all the time again.

                                If your local Chinese restaurant doesn't notice when you stop ordering, what hope do you really have against multi trillion dollar industries? None. We are gnats on the windshield of life. And for me boycotting stuff just makes me feel negative and powerless so I might as well just buy the egg fried rice and enjoy it. I'm happier then, at least. And the Chinese restaurant doesn't notice either way.

