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Doctor Who: Era of the Fifteenth Doctor

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    Series 12 trailer hits very early so looks like no Xmas period special for the first time.


      It looks like The BBC will be skipping either a Christmas or New Year’s special for “Doctor Who” this year, instead they’re trying something else altogether for Jodie Whittaker’s The Doctor. First reported by The Mirror and now confirmed by The BBC, the highly anticipated twelfth season of the reboot-era of the show, the second […]

      Doctor Who: Series 12 will start on 01 January 2020, the second episode will air a few days later on 04 January 2020 with the remaining episodes then on each Saturday. Planning has begun already for Series 13.


        Last minute push to just about get through the long running catch up of rewatches before the newest season hits:

        I recall being a tad more favourable of this one the first time out but this time it was a bit of a chore to sit through. I think a lot of that comes from this being a rewatch so already knowing the dull 'who dunnit' mystery of the episode leaves little else to really get into about it.

        The Witchfinders
        Very similar here, this one rests largely on the threat hunting down the villagers but as that extends mostly to an old woman with a bit of mud on her face this one spends a lot of time chewing through time with King James. Very meh stuff.

        It Takes You Away
        The best of the three though the appalling father, who at least gets called out on it, and the moth zone still grate - that's not to mention the frog... Jesus Christ, the frog...
        After seeing the three of these I think I've definitely settled on my issue with the characters - the actors. Walsh is still decent, mostly weakened by a lack of screen time to really develop his character enough. The two playing Ryan and Yas I just think are poor actors, at least in this, they deliver lines in a manner that just feels like it's their first real acting gig or something. Something unnatural about the delivery. Delivery, I've decided, is my issue with Whittaker as well. I like her but too often she comes across to me less like she's playing the Doctor and more like she's an over enthusiastic CBBC presenter, I feel she's capable of landing the role but she needs to reign in her performance a bit and be given material for the character itself that has some dramatic heft to anchor her a bit given how much the expanded cast already robs her of screen time to stretch the role in.

        Halfway through the season finale and then the New Years ep. The finale is so, so very poor so far.

        Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 4 For Eccleston)
        Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes
        Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes
        Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes (Total 15 For Tennant)
        Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes
        Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes
        Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 12 For Smith)
        Series 08 - 2 Strong Episodes
        Series 09 - 3 Strong Episodes
        Series 10 - 3 Strong Episodes (Total 8 for Capaldi)
        Series 11 - 2 Strong Episodes So Far


          The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
          The returning bad villain from the first episode really compounds the lack of weight this episode has. It'd be a weak episode on a typical day but as the closing installment on the season its the worst finale of all 11 modern runs.

          And done! Just in time (Boom Boom!). It's not perfect, new-Who has done the Doctor vs 1 Dalek a few times and often better but overall this is a solid enough episode which drags Ryan and the Doctor forward a fair bit and feels a bit more in step with where the show should be.

          Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 4 For Eccleston)
          Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes
          Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes
          Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes (Total 15 For Tennant)
          Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes
          Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes
          Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 12 For Smith)
          Series 08 - 2 Strong Episodes
          Series 09 - 3 Strong Episodes
          Series 10 - 3 Strong Episodes (Total 8 for Capaldi)
          Series 11 - 2 Strong Episodes

          Next... Series 12...


            Spyfall: Part 1
            I definitely feel I may need to rewatch this one, I don't know what it was but I found the episode pretty dull to be honest. The whole spy-caper approach fell completely flat for me which meant that by the time the 'twist' came I felt like my interest had been too beaten to care, that and once again the casting for said character twist felt wrong as well. I think I'll wait, see Part 2 and then maybe rewatch Part 1 if by interest in this tale is recaught but generally this was a very meh opener for me on first viewing.


              Found myself with a free evening (!) so rewatched the ep rather than do it in reverse. Held up a bit better the second time, what's nice is that there are hints in the dialogue and the performance regarding the end scene's events but it is definitely winded by throwing entire story arcs out the window at face value, returning to this one so quickly, the reveal being handled in the same way as the 3 times prior and so much of the show being not up to par atm. It was okay but it was also the weakest version of this plot in modern Who to date, definitely rests on Part II to contextualise and deliver on a lot now.

              Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 4 For Eccleston)
              Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes
              Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes
              Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes (Total 15 For Tennant)
              Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes
              Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes
              Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 12 For Smith)
              Series 08 - 2 Strong Episodes
              Series 09 - 3 Strong Episodes
              Series 10 - 3 Strong Episodes (Total 8 for Capaldi)
              Series 11 - 2 Strong Episodes
              Series 12 - 0 Strong Episodes So Far


                Interesting one to watch for, overnight viewing figures for the first episode were 4.9m which currently stands the latest episode as significantly down on audience for the show on its return. Last years New Years Day episode racked 7.13m in final figures so it'll be interesting to see what final figures come in at for the new episode as Series 11 lost 2m viewers over the course of its run. A similar drop for Series 12 - if it opens weak - could feasibly mean a new raft of changes on the horizon.


                  I have to wonder if a lot of that is simply down to how TV has changed. Just speaking personally, we missed it. But we only missed it because we're not on regular scheduled BBC all that much any more so we just forgot about it. And we wouldn't have watched it live anyway - we would have recorded it and watched it when we wanted. I think shows with younger viewers will fall victim to this more than shows for older generations but I don't know if figures across other shows would back up my theory there.


                    It seems like it's been a fairly short term decline. Personally? I think a lot of it stems from the Capaldi run where the show seemed to begin to struggle to maintain its appeal. Moffatt wanted a classic era style Doctor and it turned too many off. Whittaker was seen as a way of bringing the show back to the Tennant glory days where it appealed to the entire family but it doesn't seem to have pulled that off. It seems to lack the bold, bombastic nature to grab younger viewers whilst also lacking the writing and depth to hold older viewers either in most episodes. I definitely don't think it helps how often Whittaker gets backseated though, as the main character and core hook of the show she needs to be prioritised above all yet often gets +1'd due to how much the episodes are trying to juggle.


                      Spyfall: Part 2
                      Livelier, the greater focus on the Doctor working on her own was better and allowed her to breathe a bit leaving the companions to ride solo which seemed to contain all the worst aspects of the show to one arc whilst the Doctor dealt with another. The Master was weaker in this second one, he felt over simplified as a generic mad bad guy and the plot seemed to be utter nonsense which I'm only giving leeway because it strongly feels like another episode in the season will end up acting as a Part 3. The final moments were the most interesting ones.

                      Goofy northern Doctor is the Last of the Time Lords ridden with guilt after an enemy wipes out the Gallifreyan race? So we're going all out on making Whittaker a redux of Eccleston eh?

                      Big moment sadly not given the time and focus needed for the weight it should have had which is pretty much the golden rule for this version of the show and I'm on the fence about taking that direction so soon. Still annoyed about the shows utter inability to recognise canon from as little as 12 episodes ago also. But we're still early on all that, I've read a supposed spoiler for later in the season that if true will be big and I imagine make a fair number of hardcore fans livid so the full season should at least leave more of a mark for better or worse than the bland one before it did.

                      Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 4 For Eccleston)

                      Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes

                      Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes

                      Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes (Total 15 For Tennant)

                      Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes

                      Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes

                      Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes (Total 12 For Smith)

                      Series 08 - 2 Strong Episodes

                      Series 09 - 3 Strong Episodes

                      Series 10 - 3 Strong Episodes (Total 8 for Capaldi)

                      Series 11 - 2 Strong Episodes
                      Series 12 - 0 Strong Episodes So Far


                        Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                        Spyfall: Part 2
                        Livelier, the greater focus on the Doctor working on her own was better and allowed her to breathe a bit leaving the companions to ride solo which seemed to contain all the worst aspects of the show to one arc whilst the Doctor dealt with another. The Master was weaker in this second one, he felt over simplified as a generic mad bad guy and the plot seemed to be utter nonsense which I'm only giving leeway because it strongly feels like another episode in the season will end up acting as a Part 3. The final moments were the most interesting ones.
                        The first episode was absolutely dire and had me questioning if I'd actually started watching the right programme. This one was a vast improvement, with less pointless sillyness and some actual meat to the story. Time to lose two of the three companions, might be worth dropping them off at Gallifrey and leave the failing parodies with them.


                          It was telling that it was the current incarnations first two parter and still struggled to find a worthwhile place for the companions in the storyline.


                            Annual reminder that this is a kids show.


                              Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
                              Annual reminder that this is a kids show.
                              Do you still hide behind the sofa?


                                I have a sneaky suspicion that the percentage of audience watching this that are kids isn't that huge anymore

