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Doctor Who: Era of the Fifteenth Doctor

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    I moved on to Season 26 in the classic series this week which was the last of the classic run. First two stories have been very good, especially the second one 'Ghost Light' ... a spooky Victorian house story with loads of characters and goings on. It's 100% studio set but the set is unbelievable, detailed and dense and full of atmosphere. The cast is great too ... not least Sylvester McCoy ... he's a great Doctor.

    It's a great example of a show that respected the audience of having an attention span and the ability to concentrate. And be spooked and creeped out too From what I gather the best story of the season is next ... but Ghost Light might end up being my fave.

    I always assumed DW was cancelled when it was at it's lowest but that is definitely not the case.


      The shows cancellation was always very curious. The current head of BBC despised it so made a point of pulling its plug as soon as he got the chance even though it was still doing fine.


        Series 26 is brilliant. McCoy’s Doctor is excellent. The writers started to take things in a darker direction and it is a shame we never got to see where it would have lead. It was hinted at in the previous series with Remembrance of the Daleks with more focus on the Doctor manipulating events and an emphasis on Ace and her backstory.
        Series 26 was broadcast out of order too. Fenric was supposed to air before Ghost Light which would make sense. Battlefield almost seems like a hangover from the previous series but is still good fun and the setup for a future adventure has unfortunately never been taken up by subsequent writers. It is a short series though and the paltry budget is obvious at times.
        Curse of Fenric remains one of my all time favourite Who stories though. The setup with Ace and her family, the sexual undercurrent with a maturing Ace, the two young evacuee girls and the hints of a past relationship between Millington and Judson. It was pretty heavy for Wednesday evening Doctor Who story.


          Originally posted by CMcK View Post
          Curse of Fenric remains one of my all time favourite Who stories though. The setup with Ace and her family, the sexual undercurrent with a maturing Ace, the two young evacuee girls and the hints of a past relationship between Millington and Judson. It was pretty heavy for Wednesday evening Doctor Who story.
          I finished Fenric last night, great story, so many layers going on ... and a WWII setting is always a draw. Excellent stuff, really enjoyed it. Ghost Light is less accomplished but still my highlight simply down to personal taste in the Victoria period and spooky house / strange characters. Cracking season of DW though.


            I finished Season 14 last night. Superb period of Tom Baker's era with a couple of crackers bookending the season: Masque of Mandragora (filmed in Portmerion) a brilliant opener and The Talons of Weng Chiang, an epic Victorian period 6-part end to the season. As well as great stories these two had amazing production values too. Real stand outs. Fab extras on the blus too.

            This and Season 26 have been both equally brilliant. Now I have 10, 18 or 23 to watch next.


              I've been watching Season 18, which was Tom Baker's final. Bit of a mixed bag really ... starts off with a few weak stories before State of Decay arrives which was brilliant. I'm currently on the story after that (Warriors' Gate) which has almost Lynch levels of insanity and complexity. What's great about this stint is the chemistry between The Doctor and companion Romana. I didn't know until watching the extras that they got married while working on the show together. She might be my favourite companion so far ... they just work so well together.

              On the downside you can tell the show is gearing up for changes across the board, and the arrival of annoying companion Adric hammers that home. Also, Tom looks like he's ready to move on. Not the best season but not a disaster either.


                After season 18 I moved onto Season 10. Never seen any Pertwee era before and I think it's brilliant. Pertwee is a great Doctor and the show has a wonderful 60s vibe. Currently on Carnival of Monsters ... the story is quality


                  The BBC has reportedly managed to complete filming on its upcoming “Doctor Who” holiday special, titled ‘Revolution of the Daleks’. Mandip Gill, who plays companion Yasmin Khan alongside Jodie Whittaker’s The Doctor, tells EW this week that they managed to complete filming of the special just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit and productions were shut […]

                  Word is that the BBC was just about able to complete filming on the 2020 Christmas Special episode titled Revolution of the Daleks


                    The Collection Season 14 available again for a limited time (sold out mega quick first time)


                      Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston will reprise his role of the Ninth Doctor in a brand new “Doctor Who” audio series next year, returning 15 years later to a character he loved but a series he had major issues with at the time of the show’s production – resulting in him steadfastly refusing to revisit the […]

                      An eye wateringly fast to pass 15 years later, Christopher Eccleston is to reprise the role of the Ninth (Tenth) Doctor in new Big Finish adventures.


                        It's clearly heavily influenced by modern/current viewers but a new listing of the 'nations' favourite Doctor's via voting has been carried out with the results being:

                        01 - David Tennant
                        02 - Jodie Whittaker
                        03 - Peter Capaldi
                        04 - Matt Smith
                        05 - Tom Baker
                        06 - William Hartnell
                        07 - Paul McGann
                        08 - Christopher Eccleston
                        09 - Jon Pertwee
                        10 - Patrick Troughton
                        11 - Sylvester McCoy
                        12 - Colin Baker
                        13 - Peter Davison


                          Doctor Who The thirteenth season of “Doctor Who,” which marks Jodie Whittaker’s third outing in the role of The Doctor, has begun filming though has had to shorten its season. Rather than the usual ten episodes plus a holiday special, the new season is being reduced to eight episodes total which doesn’t include this year’s […]

                          Doctor Who: Series 13 is to begin filming soon though the episode count has been cut down to just eight episodes


                            John Barrowman will return as Captain Jack Harkness for the 2020 “Doctor Who” holiday special “Revolution of the Daleks.” Barrowman originated the role of the omnisexual time-travelling adventure turned impossible to kill immortal Captain Jack Harkness in the first season of the ‘Who’ revival in 2005. The character was then the lead of the spin-off […]

                            This years Xmas special has been formally revealed and is titled Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks

                            The special will see Captain Jack Harkness return as a follow up to the Series 12 teaser for the character


                              Ahead of this year’s “Doctor Who” Christmas special, the Radio Times has done a full issue and podcast dedicated to both it and the upcoming thirteenth season of the series. The special sees not only the return of Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) but the debut of a new look Dalek, offering a two-tone design […]

                              The Dalek's are getting a new redesigned variant


                                Trailer for Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks

