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    I too watched The Last of Us and thought it was excellent. Definitely agree that Pedro Pascal is doing a great job as Joel. Can't wait to see more!


      The Peripheral
      Not much of it to be honest but we can't really stomach carrying on with it. The initial VR premise gives way to a set up that feels exhausting in how overly convoluted it all is.


        I missed the chatter about The Traitors before, but given we're now watching the US version that's showed up on iPlayer, I'm taking this second chance to get on my soapbox!

        There's not much to compare between the US and UK ones - it's the exact same location, almost the exact same games (we're already 7 eps in and only one has been different), just with Alan Cumming hamming it up in the game master role instead. There's some other minor differences - like the elimination stunt from the first episode being gone - but what's most noteworthy is that rather than just regular members of the public, some of the cast are "stars" of other reality TV shows. I'm not sure if this is just an attempt to pull in folks who are more broadly into these types of shows, but it does mean you've got a lot of egos, folks going in with a pretty clear pre-established impression of people, and almost none of the "I need this money to do X for Y" angle that you got from the UK version.

        The 'werewolf game' format is one I like a lot (in fact: it's great fun to play on forums, hmmmm....), but what bums me out about the way that Traitors has adapted it is that the other half of the show that it's added doesn't really join up very effectively. During the activities, everyone's united in wanting to earn money and there's no clear-cut reason for either side to do anything other than keep their heads down. I find myself getting frustrated when people start saying "this person said this which makes them suspicious" when it really doesn't mean anything, but then I have to remind myself that they have so so little to go on.

        Comparatively, while it had plenty of its own execution problems, the recent Netflix revisit of The Mole format shows a different take on a similar format. In that, you have one person whose job it is to actively sabotage the games as much as they can get away with, reducing the prize pot. Crucially, you're not told who it is as a viewer. Rather than forcing the players to shout at each other at the end of each day, they go off on their own to take a quiz which ends with the person who's furthest away from correctly identifying the mole being eliminated. You don't get the high drama 'round table' moments, but instead people have way more to theorise with, and you as a viewer are more of an active participant in the game too. I remember really loving it when they did a series of this in the UK back in the day, but even for a quick look-in I'd say take a look at an episode or two of this recent US one if you liked Traitors.


          Inside Job. Watched this basically because my dog started it when he stood on the remote. Bloody excellent.


            Originally posted by Colin View Post
            Inside Job. Watched this basically because my dog started it when he stood on the remote. Bloody excellent.
            The Netflix show? Yeah I thought it was alright too. Of course Netflix have cancelled it now.


              Originally posted by Colin View Post
              Inside Job. Watched this basically because my dog started it when he stood on the remote. Bloody excellent.
              Imagine if your dog could predict bloody excellent stuff that gets cancelled by Netflix


                Be better if he could predict the lotto numbers.

                That's a shame the show's been cancelled, been really enjoying it the last couple of nights.


                  Finally started Castlevania after reading - and not quite believing - how great it is. But it really is tremendous.


                    Crank 2


                      The Last of Us: Episode 2
                      Equally solidly made and still very, very close to the game. This ep had perhaps the first real major cut from game which was a complete side stepping of the skyscraper section but that's fair enough as it would have cost a fortune and only really has a clicker encounter that we get anyway. Red flag in our house though as the missus' interest is already waning as she is finding it to be far too close to Walking Dead for comfort and is failing to see the reason for the fuss as a result.


                        For All Mankind: Season 03
                        Each season I'm a little unsure if this will be the run that ruins the show but each time they manage to pull it off. Following the 60's and 80's based seasons we are in the 90's for this third run and it's becoming more and more character focused which is interesting given there is an increasing need to shift to the far less interesting newer cast members. I imagine this will wrap up in its fifth season but if it can continue at the quality level that is broadly is then it will be an impressive run.


                          The Rig (2023 via Prime)
                          Starts off pretty decent, with a creeping sense of dread.
                          There's a bit of a John Carpenter checklist going on:
                          Fog - check
                          Possession - check
                          Isolated location - check
                          Decent to insanity - check
                          Escaping from New York - fail

                          There's a modern Cthulu/Lovecraft vibe early doors too, but it just seems to fizzle out of momentum by the end.
                          Seems open to a second series, but there's not much pull to return, if I'm honest.

                          Not awful, just not as good as it started.

                          The Last of Us (2023 via Sky)
                          Yeah, post-apocalyptic shenanigans. First episode is film length and a LOT happens.
                          Second episode felt better as it seemed like the leads had something to achieve.

                          Urgh, that "kissing" scene in Episode 2 was 'orrible.


                            Watched the first episode of Everyone Else Burns and ended up bingeing all six episodes. Fantastic comedy about an ultra religious family. Simon Bird was great as the father but all members of the family stood out.

                            Really hope there's a series 2.


                              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                              For All Mankind: Season 03
                              Each season I'm a little unsure if this will be the run that ruins the show but each time they manage to pull it off. Following the 60's and 80's based seasons we are in the 90's for this third run and it's becoming more and more character focused which is interesting given there is an increasing need to shift to the far less interesting newer cast members. I imagine this will wrap up in its fifth season but if it can continue at the quality level that is broadly is then it will be an impressive run.
                              If it hadn't been for the excellent Severance the third series of For All Mankind was my TV highlight of last year.


                                Yep, though they need to give Ed a break, poor guy is so punished at every turn

